Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Better out than in

I did not take any evening supplements last night. I got very little sleep. My digestive system was very upset, although I can't figure out why. I avoided throwing up because of my back by sniffing peppermint oil, but at 4am it happened anyway. I was surprised how much was in my stomach after 8 hours. And it smelled like peppermint. I suspected an intestinal blockage. Chris suspected appendicitis.
I felt better, drank water, and went back to bed, but the feeling came back. I tried to get more to come up, but was unsuccessful. Chris got up at 5 and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. The mere thought of him eating made me sick. However, earlier I felt like not eating for the rest of my life. But just then, I thought maybe not eating for the rest of the year would suffice.
I got up at 7:29. I took the purozyme. I brushed and swished. I treated myself for sensitivity to coffee. I made coffee for detoxing. I did lots of tapping and some meditating. Chris came home after taking his car to get worked on, turned on the router, picked up his lunch, and went to work. I finished up the coffee morning, and started cleaning. I mopped the kitchen floor and took a shower.
Then Beverly called. We spent quite a while talking since she is going to be out of town next week. Then I partially cleaned the bathrooms and vacuumed them. I emptied the dust cup. I jotted a few notes while listening to an interview on retroviruses. I drank some coconut water to replace electrolytes. I needed to take my breakfast supplements but there wasn't time to make breakfast, so I opened a can of soup. I ate soup and swallowed tablets and softgels.
I drove to the Korean clinic. She wanted me to find some stickers to put on furniture. So I scoured the internet but did not find any. Then she drove me to the store where she took a class on putting stickers on wood. They were called transfers. We looked around at all the antiques for sale. She bought a plate, and we went back to the clinic. Then I repeated my search with the word 'transfer'. But wall decals kept coming up. I searched under the name of the company that makes the ones at the store. Still, there was nothing she liked. Further searches found patterns she liked, but they were waterslide decals, not rub-ons. It was almost 5 when she gave me a large box of onion juice packets and let me go.
I sat in my car and searched for my ID. Sadly, I did not have it. So I called Chris, who I assumed was at home. But he was just leaving work. So I drove to the base and parked in the tiny lot outside the gate. I waited. I thought Chris was going to call, but suddenly he showed up on foot. He handed me my ID and guided me in backing up without hitting incoming traffic. He got in the passenger seat and we went through the check point. I drove him to his car and he headed home. I did too, but then thought of the blackberries. So I drove to the rear of the neighborhood and walked to the nearest patch. Those were all green. But the ones in the back were red. I wasn't certain how long it would be before they were ready to pick.
When I got to the house, I checked the mail and found a package of mimosa pudica seed. I made breakfast and took lunch supplements. I looked up a meme on Pinterest and could not stop looking, even after I found it. It wasted a lot of time.
When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of ST:NG. I took my evening supplements (the supper ones got skipped). I asked Chris to clear me of sensitivities to the second vial. I did a few rounds of EFT to top it off. Then he went to bed while I wrote my blog post.
* One of the booths at the antique store *

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