Saturday, June 29, 2019

Pool time

Something happened last night. If you are squeamish, you should skip to the next paragraph. I passed a parasite. Yes. Either that, or I must have swallowed a 5 inch piece of string. It was both exciting and disgusting. As I laid in bed later, I tapped to calm down so I could sleep.
The sleep app woke me before 7:30. I was tired so I stayed in bed and did not get up until 9. I did the usual morning things. And I washed the windows in the back screen door. The glass had sticky pieces stuck to it. I can't imagine what it was, but I finally got rid of it.
I started reading e-mail and looking at windows on my browser that were open from yesterday. Jennifer invited me over for a swim. Then I remembered that today is laundry day. So I told her I would be over later. I collected the laundry and towels and such and got the first load started. I went back to reading articles and such. I made breakfast.
All of a sudden I realized it was after 1:30. I got myself together. I put away the first load and pulled the second load from the dryer and hung up the dresses. I threw a bathing suit in a bag and headed out.
When I got to Jennifer's house, she was in the pool, but came out to greet me. Her daughter was away and the dog was inside the house. She did not want to disturb the dog, so I changed into my suit in the back yard. Then we got in her pool and had a good chat. I swam around and she skimmed little bits from the water. Eventually her daughter came home with friends. They let the dog out and he was so excited and barked furiously. We had to throw a dog toy for him. The sky clouded over and it looked like rain. Then she had to get ready for a party. I got out and dried off as best I could. The suit was too tight to peel off wet, so I just threw my clothes on over it. She gave me some plants, the $20 I lent her, and a small portion of potato salad. I thanked her and left before the rain hit.
On the way home, I stopped at Rite-Aid to buy a pair of reading glasses. Mine had broken last night. I paid more than at a dollar store, but it was convenient and involved no left turns. When I got back on post, it was raining. I made a left turn into the gas station to fill my tank. I am not sure how many miles I had left because the only readout I could get was “Change oil soon.” I had changed it only 4000 miles ago.
William called. We talked until Karen called him. I ate the potato salad. I texted my neighbor to ask when was a good time to bring something over. I put on an interview and played Solitaire while I waited for an answer. I started making salad for supper. Chris called me on Skype. It was early for him. He said he had been sick all day. Some one had come to work sick and now Chris had it. I told him about the parasite and he asked if I saved it. No, I did not. He thought I should have saved it to have it identified. We did not talk long and he went back to bed. I finished making salad and ate.
My neighbor texted that she needed 10 minutes. So I set the timer and went back to my laptop. When the timer rang, I took a jar of blackberries from the fridge and went next door. We had a nice chat. I mentioned the wasps on our back porch because she had seen them flying around. Her husband came home from walking the dog. She volunteered him to spray. So I showed him where the nests were and he sprayed them with foam. We both went back to his house. He went off to study and I stayed to talk to Julia some more. A lot more. I was surprised late to see that it was after 10. So we hugged and said goodbye.
When I got back to my house, I checked e-mail, took some mimosa pudica, and wrote my blog post for the day.

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