Friday, June 21, 2019

Patching the old with new

I woke up at 6:30. It was daylight, but I wasn't ready to get up. I slept until my alarm went off, and stayed in bed a little longer. Then I started the supplement line-up. I brushed and swished. I turned on the router and put on interviews. I laid out the doctor's supplements for a week. Then I laid out mine for two weeks. I found four doses from two months ago. I tried to identify which ones they were. I was moderately successful except for one with red powder in it. I must have run out of that one because I have nothing to match it. Oh well, I needed the bottles for current doses.
I treated myself for sensitivities to weeds (it was one of the vials). I made breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail. I put on a swimsuit and mowed lawn in the other direction.
Then I washed up and got dressed. I saw a man tear down part of the fence between us and our duplex neighbor. He started to rebuild it. I listened to a presentation on mindful movement and tried lying on the floor and twisting. But there just wasn't enough space.
I put on vitamin patches and went to the post office. There was one piece of mail and it was junk. That surprised me because I was expecting a package from Amazon. From there, I went to the massage place. I was a little early. Gabriele was changing the sheets on the massage bed. We talked about all the usual things going wrong with the world. She told me that one of the ladies at Ruth's Nutrition used to work for Dr. Jarvis, my naturopath.
Because we talked so long, the massage got started 45 minutes late. We kept talking as she completed the massage. Then I got dressed and paid her. I talked to the lady who used to work for Dr. Jarvis. She said it was not my imagination that the doctor stretched out the treatments.
I stopped at an Asian store and bought coconuts and a persimmon. I went home. I took a basket and walked to the back of the neighborhood to pick blackberries. There are way more berry bushes than I found last year. I brought the basket home and put it in the fridge. I checked the house mail and found the package I was expecting to find at the post office.
I ate the last of the fish. I made a salad and ate it while playing Solitaire. At 8, I started watching Dark Matter. I paused it when Chris skyped. We talked shortly. Then he had to go. I finished the episode and watched one of Frasier. Then I looked up each of the Dark Matter characters to see where I might have seen them before.
I posted to my blog and took my evening supplements. After a few yoga stretches, I will go to bed.

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