Saturday, June 8, 2019

Not the sharpest blade in the pack

I took the Purozyme early, then went back to bed. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage, He skipped my left foot. Afterward, I got up to wash up and follow the usual morning routine,
I asked Chris to treat me for sensitivities to two vials at once. I made and ate breakfast and took supplements. While I was reading e-mail, Chris did laundry. Then he stripped the bed, and looked for a clean set of sheets. I went to the linen closet and realized my sheets were not in complete sets encased in a matching pillowcase. Quelle horreur! I pulled all the sheets out of the closet and sorted them. Chris took one set to put on the bed. But there were missing pieces to the other sets. One was not marked with a size. i went looking around the house. I found a pillowcase in the guest room and more sheets in the garage. I kept losing track of what organization I had done and had to pull the sheets out and recheck them. Is this what my dad lives with every day? Finally, the twin sheets were on the top shelf, the full size were on the next shelf, the queen size were a shelf below that, and the king size was within my unassisted reach. There were sheets and pillowcases that did not belong to any sets. They got shoved above.
I went for a walk around the circle in our neighborhood. The chiropractor had suggested a 5 minute walk, but after going to Publix last week, I knew I could do more. So I went around the circle. As it happened, I was following the mail man. I would walk past him at one stop, then he would pass me going to the next. When he got to my bank of boxes, I went home. Chris said he had forgotten to put the Netflix DVD in the mail, so I got it out there in time to hand it to the man.
Then I had lunch – clam chowder and chicken. I took the lunch supplements. I listened to a podcast while I sorted fabric scraps. I updated my supplement checklist and printed out a copy to use over the next five day. I updated instructions for the shark, then put it and the pattern pieces in an envelope and filed it away with other projects. I sharpened my rotary cutter (or made confetti) by slicing up some tinfoil. I took an umbrella and went out to get the mail. I should have gotten it earlier when it wasn't raining.
I listened to another podcast. I made salad for supper. I sliced up a bitter melon and soaked the pieces in salt water. I cut up a pair of Marie's pants to make a dog bed. She had given me a bag of worn pants and this seemed like the perfect project. I ate some blueberries and blackberries. I called Dad to remind him of the fat bombs. First he said he hadn't had any, but later said he did.
I made ginger tea and added clove powder and mineral drops. I drank it while Chris and I watched two episodes of ST:NG with appearances from Leonard Nimoy.
I took the evening supplements and wrote down the events of the day.

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