Sunday, June 2, 2019

Home in Huntsville

We got up about 8. I hadn't slept well because of the loud ringing in my ears. I started taking supplements. I did my lower back and foot exercises. I washed up and got dressed. I sat at my laptop and checked e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I did a treatment for sensitivities to tap water. I listened to interviews until it was time to check out. Chris made a trip to the car while I packed the cooler from the little fridge. I filled a water bottle and added 40 mineral drops to it. Then we gathered up everything that was left and went out to the car. We were on our way by 11 EST.
We finished one book on CD and started another. This one was about pirates. When the Spanish had just captured the crew of the English privateers, we arrived in Huntsville.
We got home about 3. We brought stuff in from the car. I unpacked the cooler. Chris took the dish of chicken from the freezer and put it in the oven on 200 degrees to defrost and heat. He also took the milk from the freezer and left it on the counter to thaw. Chris made coffee and checked his e-mail. Our neighbor brought our Amazon package over, plus the weekly paper. I went outside to water my plants. I picked two cherry tomatoes. I checked my phone and found a message from our neighbor saying that she didn't water today because the wasps were after her.
I unpacked the food box and then Chris and I went to the grocery store, stopping at the post office on the way. I did not have any trouble walking around in Publix. We got the usual things, plus flour and yeast. When we got back, we brought in the groceries and I made bread for Chris. I washed the cans of coconut milk and stacked them up.
I sat at my computer and played an audio. When I was rested, I stood at the sink and went through the leftover salad greens to pick out what was still good. I made a salad of it. Chris pulled the chicken from the oven and I ate some of that, too.
I was playing Solitaire when William called. He told me that Patrick brought over a newer washer and dryer. William and Patrick moved Dad's old ones out and the new ones in. I went back to playing Solitaire, which is a version of Mahjongg. But it changed to Sudoku and became very addictive.
I made ginger tea. Then we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris went to bed. I unpacked my suitcase and removed it from my side of the bed. Then I sat down at my laptop to write my blog post for today.
* Why do hotels use ugly carpet? Do they buy what's on sale? *

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