Saturday, June 22, 2019

The dog incident

I woke up early, used the bathroom and went back to bed. The alarm rang at 7:30, but it was after 8 till I got up, combed my hair and brushed my teeth.
I washed the dishes in the sink during the intervals between supplements. I treated myself for sensitivities to molasses. Then I made and ate breakfast. I also refilled the cacao nibs and made more spice mix. I went through e-mail and listened to interviews.
I called Michele, just to talk. She was at Marie's, collecting a load of stuff to take to her apartment. Then I called Dad. He seemed as slow to converse as ever. I talked to Patrick, too. Then I looked at the website for Morningside. It said they handle short term assisted living stays if a care giver needs to go on vacation. But when I called, the weekend receptionist said she didn't think they had any short term spots open.
I went out to get the mail. A miniature doberman was barking at me. Every time I faced him, he backed off, but when I turned toward the mailboxes, he tried to get behind me. I felt threatened and told him to go home. Our duplex mate came over and said the dog was hungry. He went around the back of the house next door and saw the hole that the little dog dug to get outside of the fence. He told me there was a bigger dog out there with no food or water. He thought the little dog was barking for help for the bigger dog. No one was home. He called Housing. There was nothing I could do, but go inside and say a prayer.
I did some laundry. I opened a coconut with a hammer, drank the juice and ate some of the meat. Then I went for a walk, a 50 minute one uphill. I found a blackberry bush that I had never seen before and I ate a few berries.
When I got back, I took the lunch and supper supplements and made a salad with all the fixings (since I was really low on lettuce). I got my unread e-mail to below 40. I texted my neighbor and she said the dog had been returned to the backyard and that someone came over once a day to feed and water them.
I watched two episodes of Dark Matter. Chris interrupted the first one when he called. But he was tired after spending the day with Herberth and just wanted to go to bed. I finished the second episode while folding laundry and looked up some of the cameo players. Then I puzzled over the events of the day to put them in coherent order so I could post and go to bed. I went to brush my teeth and when I came back, the back door was open. Eerie. Did I mention making several trays of ice? Maybe soaking my head in ice water will help me sleep.
* A sampler quilt from Tuesday. *

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