Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Gung-ho on cleaning

My sleep app woke me a little after 7. It gave my sleep a score of 58. That seemed a little low for a full night of sleep. I got up soon after the alarm went off at 7:30.
As it was Wednesday, I prepare for a coffee morning. I took the first enzyme, but after that, took charcoal and mimosa pudica and papaya seed. I went out to water the flowers. I was swishing at the time. My neighbors were in their driveway. He came over to ask if 1pm was a good time for him to trim our yard. I had to spit before I could answer and say yes. I put on some Mozart and did my exercises, as well as tapping and meditation.
I started cleaning in the kitchen, like washing dishes. I could not find the spray bottle. I checked all three locations three or four times before I found it under a wash cloth. The guy next door came over to say he was going to be late, and I said it was totally fine.
There was a missed call on my phone from Dr. Lee. I tried to listen to the message but my phone kept hanging up on me. I had to reboot it. Then I got the message that he did not want me to come today. Woo-hoo! More cleaning for me!
So, I cleaned off the table in the kitchen, throwing stuff out and recycling other things. That was no small feat. I cleaned under the table as well. I washed all the bathroom rugs. I mopped the kitchen floor. I mopped the floor in the entry way. When it was dry, I put some dining room chairs there, and mopped in the dining room. My mop was falling apart like I have never seen before. I wrote 'mop' on the shopping list.
I sprinkled baking soda on the carpet in the bedroom. The neighbor came over and trimmed our yard with his battery-operated trimmer. I vacuumed the bathroom floors and put the rugs back. I noticed the comforter did not smell fresh, so I laid it on the grass in the back yard. I went to the post office to check the mail, but there was none, not even junk mail. I checked the mail at home and found two pieces, for Chris.
William called so I paused the interview that was playing so I could talk to him. But eventually I had to wind up the call so I could go back to cleaning. My caffeine rush was over. I swept up the baking soda in the bedroom. I laid down for awhile because my back was so tired. Then I went for a walk. I just happened to pass some blackberry bushes, and if a few fell in my mouth, who was I to spit them out? I hadn't seen these before. It's like they just appear.
When I got back, I sat at my laptop to eat some fish and brussel sprouts. I listened to an interview while playing Solitaire. I wanted to watch a program but was expecting Chris to call at any time. I called Dad and he was doing ok, I guess. Then I watched two episodes of Dark Matter on the TV.
I made ginger tea. As I sat down to write my blog post, I saw that Chris had just e-mailed 2 minutes ago. So I messaged back and he skyped me. We talked a little, but he had stuff he still had to do in the next half hour. He said his replacement was chosen, been notified, and accepted. I told him I had ordered an ethernet adapter and he said I had an ethernet port. It was the slot that the cord would not fit in on Monday but somehow it did tonight. Sigh.
I brought in the comforter since it is likely to rain tonight. But it was already damp, probably with dew. Then I swished while I finished my blog post, did a few back exercises, took a few last supplements, and went to bed.
* This is a quilt from the Tuesday morning group. *

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