Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A finishing touch for the banner

I got up about 6:30. My ears were ringing loudly. Chris was gone and the router was off. I got dressed and went outside to mow the lawn. But everything was silent and I didn't want to wake anyone. I went out the front door and watered a few plants. I went to get the house mail from yesterday. The bottle of aminos was in there. I found it a place in my supplement regimen. I swept the floor. I washed the water bottles from our trip with boiling water.
I collated the recycling, and broke down a bunch of Amazon boxes. I carried it all out to the street for pick-up. I took 5 of the amino tablets and a headache started. I treated myself with one of the vials, the one for digestion.
I laid out the banner. Today was the due date and time to add any last minute touches. I thought it needed more quilting in the bottom circle but didn't know what to put there. I couldn't find the banner books that I got from Jane, which might have some ideas. I looked all over, twice and in the car. Finally I turned on the router so I could do an internet search. I found the books lying in a pile on the computer desk. I looked through the images and decided on a cup motif and a grape motif. I cut out a paper cup and 5 circles. I pinned them to the banner and sewed around them. It was harder that it sounds. But I was very pleased with the result.
At 10, I went to quilting, but the church was having VBS, so no quilters were there. I turned around and went home. I made and ate breakfast and took the breakfast supplements. I listened to interviews and played Solitaire. Then I did my lower back exercises, using the paper I found in the folder.
At 2:30 I headed to the church. I circled around and came back to the house because I thought I had forgotten my folder. But it was in my bag the whole time. I left for church again and passed the farmer's market, which wasn't quite open for business.
I took the banner to church and laid it in the room with the other banners. I entered all the offering amounts into the computer and printed out reports. I waited for Elaine because we were going to do some sensitivity clearings together. I checked my e-mail on my phone. Eventually I got one from her saying she was going to be late, probably too late. I went to the bank and deposited the checks and cash. Then I went to the farmer's market, looking for strawberries. The season was over and all I found was one person selling them in half gallon baskets for $8, which I thought was a lot. Their blackberries looked better and I bought some of them as well. I also bought lamb liver at another booth. Then I headed home.
On the way, Elaine called. But it was almost 5 and I had a headache and just wanted to go home. I put the strawberries in a baking soda bath and left them to soak. I ate a papaya and separated out the seeds for later. I listened to a number of short audios. I ate some chicken and read e-mail. My stomach didn't feel good. I drank some apple cider vinegar but it didn't help. I drank the mineral drops diluted in water. That did not help either. Finally I swallowed a peppermint soft gel. I sorted fabric scraps to take my mind off of the discomfort. Then Chris and I sat down to watch two episodes of ST:NG. My discomfort only grew and I burped up peppermint. After the shows, Chris made his sandwich, laid out tomorrow's clothes, and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and rub my poor tummy.
* This is the back of the quilt shown yesterday. *

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