Monday, September 9, 2019

3rd sewing day in a row

I was up late making sure my bladder was empty, then I went to bed. I think I fell asleep in an hour. I slept all night and woke a little before my alarm went off. I still wanted to stay in bed. I got up to turn the AC up, and the electricity on. I brushed and swished. I watered the flowers. I traced meridians, and puttered around the house while listening to the latest episode of the natural medicine summit. I made the morning concoctions so I could stave them off a little longer. At 11 I ate them, then made breakfast. I gathered up bags of scraps from the modern guild and went to quilting.
The ladies were still eating when I got there, but they finished by the time I set up my machine. I got to chat with lots of ladies while I made a 25 patch for the next charity quilt. I also rearranged some squares in the errant patchwork, and then cut lots of pieces for new shuttle blocks. I stayed later than I intended, but had to run at 4 to get to the post office. So I left Lauri and Maryanne to pack up (when they were ready).
I seemed to hit long lights on the way to the post office. I could see the colorful beginnings of the Octoberfest setup in the field across the street. I dashed inside the building to check our box. It was empty. Sigh.
When I got home, I had coconut cream for lunch and a tomato. Then I went for a walk. On the return journey, I stopped at the old picnic table. I pushed a metal chopstick in the ground and curled my toes around it as a grounding pole. Then I read for an hour or so. I noticed the light waning, so I went home. Before going in, I checked the house mail. There was a package and letters. One was a bill so I e-mailed the particulars to Chris.
I started listening to an audio from the Sound Healing summit while eating a salad. Then Chris called me on Skype. We talked for a while, and I asked him to sing to me. While he called up some music to sing to, I turned down the AC and moved the air purifier into the bedroom. Then he started the music and sang. But for some reason Skype edited out all of it. It was like watching a mime. When the song finished, I asked him to sing acapella and then his voice came through.
While the audio finished, I worked on the errant patchwork that I picked up on Saturday. I kept at it until it was in one piece. It was frustrating because someone had pressed all the seams open which made it harder to rip apart and piece back together.
When that was done, I watched one episode of Royal Pains, then sat down to write to my blog while Wholetones played in the background. I took a break to rearrange more squares to see if I had enough to complete another block. Then I finished my blog post and got ready for bed.
* These ladies are showing off a block exchange quilt. *

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