Sunday, September 15, 2019

Prioritizing sleep

The AC cooled the house down to 69 degrees, but I don't think I slept any better. I woke up during the night and had trouble going back to sleep. However, not long after, daylight started coming in above the curtain. Finally I got up to start the day and then my alarm went off.
I did the usual morning stuff, plus showered and dressed for church. I grabbed my shopping list and choir folder and went to church. Ron was handing out bulletins and he started picking on me. He said he did it because my husband was out of town and I might not get picked on enough. Ha. People complained about the heat, but I said we get the sauna experience for free.
Then we lined up for choir practice. Afterward, I sat in my pew, waiting for Don (who did not show up). Stacey asked me to make sure her stove was off when I went home. I texted myself a reminder. After the service, I spoke to Cecelia, who I haven't seen in a month and was afraid she wasn't coming any more.
Then I went to Publix. I got the few things on the list plus a few more that should have been on the list. I took my food home and put it on the counter. I saw a blue truck in front of Stacey's house. I wondered if someone was there. So I went over, thinking I would just ask them if their stove was running. But no one answered. So I went in and checked the stove. It was cold. I went home and texted her the good news.
I put my perishables away and made breakfast. I ate it at my laptop, checking e-mail and listening to today's interviews.
interviews, I laid out in the sun, seeing if the reclining lawn chair was comfortable enough to sleep in. Not really. So I went inside for a nap. I am not sure if I dozed off or not.
I mowed the lawn. Then I was so hot that I took off my shirt. I listened to another interview. Then Chris called on Skype. He was early, but headed for an evening cookout. I finished the interview after the call. It was about the wonders of molecular hydrogen.
Around 6 I took a break for supper. I sliced up garlic in a pan of ghee. Then I washed some mushrooms and threw them in. I got out the carcass of chicken and pulled most of the white meat off and threw it in with the mushrooms. I sprinkled spices on top of it and kept stirring. When it was done, I put some in a bowl and cut up one of the tomatoes I picked recently. That was supper, followed by some pecans.
I listened to an interview on time-restricted feeding. He said mice thrived on a 6-hour eating window even though they were given a bad diet. I read about molecular hydrogen and how it gives you energy. I had been taking it at bedtime, and decided to take it earlier today. I ordered more, and some full spectrum CBD oil recommended by Ben Greenfield.
I did clearings for physical issues. I wrote my blog post. I got ready for bed. I didn't bother turning the AC down. I did a little tapping for not getting to watch TV. I hoped that if I fell asleep before 11, I could sleep through the 11pm-1am time that is so wakeful for me.
* A Linus quilt from yesterday. *

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