Thursday, September 5, 2019

Not the queen of chicken

I fell asleep in a more reasonable time listening to the latest Holosync. I woke up once, then slept until my alarm went off. I got up, turned electricity on and thermostat up. I brushed, swished, and took supplements at intervals. I did a clearing for astaxanthin and lutein. I put on the next episode of Natural Medicine Secrets on the desktop. I made pieced strips and sewed them to one of the quilt tops. The desktop developed problems so I switched to the laptop for listening. By the time I got the desktop sorted out, the episode was done playing.
I made and ate breakfast. I looked up new selections for our Netflix queue which was almost empty. Then I grabbed the fandango quilt and went to see the Thursday group.
It was their potluck day, but I arrived late, on purpose. I threw money in the basket for their donation to the church that supplies the room and electricity. I worked on binding and talked to Marjory. After she left, Pat told me about her dog.
Around 2 we packed up. I went to Whole Foods to buy an organic rotisserie chicken. But they were out of the organic ones. So, I bought two packages of organic thighs. When I got home, I was going to call Kevin to ask him how to cook the chicken but forgot the number. So I called Cecily but Al answered. I talked to him for awhile, then asked Cecily and she told me how to bake the chicken.
I preheated the stove and got out a casserole dish. I put in leftover juice and onions from the beef heart. I tried to rub the chicken with butter, but it wouldn't stick. I patted them dry and tried again, but still no luck. So I spooned ghee onto both sides of each piece and laid them in the dish. Then I sprinkled Italian spices over them and put them in the oven. I think I contaminated everything. I ate cheeses while it cooked. I watched a live video presentation on a device which protects from the effects of radiation. After 50 minutes I declared the chicken done and ate one leg. It was essentially tasteless. Sigh.
I went for a walk, taking a book. I sat at an old picnic table in a spot that I had already checked for wi-fi. I read for an hour and used a broken fly swatter handle as a grounding cord. At 7 I walked home. I passed Julia so I stopped to talk to her. When I got home, I checked the mail and found a package of supplements. I ate some nuts and sauerkraut, and took supper supplements.
I watched a video on tracing all the meridians. Chris called on Skype and we had a little chat but nothing new. Afterward, I looked for the little needle-punch critter that Becca started me on at the beach last year. I couldn't find it. But in case it turns up later, I chose a length of wool to finish it and put the rest in a box for Becca. I wrapped it in brown paper to hide the previous labels and I addressed it.
I watched one episode of Royal Pains. I started doing things on my new sleep list. I wrote up my blog post. Then I got ready for bed, hoping for another good night.
* Another quilt from the Tuesday group. *

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