Sunday, September 29, 2019

Tea and lamb

Last night I listened to a talk on nutrition for depression and anxiety. Then I put on headphones and listened to Holosync while lying on the couch. After it was over, I went to bed, knowing it was close to midnight, and it still took me a while to fall asleep.
I woke up before the alarm went off. My foot hurt too much to walk on it, but I kept trying to take a step until I was able to put some weight on it. I hobbled around the house doing the usual morning stuff. My blood sugar tested at 94. I read e-mail. I noticed cradle cap again, so I mixed baking soda and coconut oil and applied it to the scalp around my ear. Then I swished and took a shower. I got dressed and gathered the stuff I was taking with me. I jotted some notes for my blog.
I went to church and parked in the back so I wouldn't have so far to walk. I warmed up with the choir then sat in my pew. Don came in and I gave him an envelop for his offering. Then the choir got up to sing. We did well, and sat down while our director had to scoot out to attend something else. The pastor started the service. Susan made the announcements. Elaine and Caleb and Stacey and Doc sang well at their respective times. I helped Don walk up for communion. After the service, he got his walker and went out while I talked to Barbara and Tim.
Then I went to Publix. I noticed a pain in my left side when I got out of the car after parking. My foot still hurt but I forgot about it while shopping. I got all the things on my list and checked out. When I got home, I put the food away, and changed clothes. I made breakfast and the things that go with it. I listened to interviews while lying on the couch, but did not fall asleep. Then I went outside to read in the sun. When I came in, it was almost time to go. I filtered the sumac tea, and jotted notes from my blog.
I took the tea and the lamb heart over to Stacey's house. Her husband loves to cook. When he heard I liked pickled eggs, he pulled some from the fridge. I only wanted one but he gave me both of them. They were quite spicy. Then he showed me how to prepare the heart. He grilled it and salmon and veggies on their grill. Stacey and I ate and talked, but he mostly watched football from the doorway and added to the conversation here and there. Neither one of them wanted to try the lamb, but it was really good! He said anytime I want something cooked, to call or text him.
After eating an excellent meal, Stacey and I walked around the neighborhood. I showed her where the sumac grows and picked a cone. We stopped to talk to her Korean neighbor. Then we went to my house to drop off the sumac and to look at the aphids. We then walked around the circle and went back to her house.
Her husband was still watching football. She showed me around her house (since it was a different layout than mine) Then we sat and talked about God and judgement and stuff. At 10 I went home. I called Chris on skype and we talked about our day. Then I took my bedtime supplements and turned the AC down. I wrote up my blog post, leaving the livingroom light off. I suspect it is not an incandescent bulb, and may be interfering with my sleep.
* These are the flowers that might have been ground zero for the aphids. *

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