Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Coffee morning and evening

It took more than an hour to fall asleep last night. I got up once, then slept through. I stayed in bed late waiting for the alarm to ring, but it had already rung. Either I slept through it or I turned it off and went back to sleep.
I turned up the AC and on the electricity. Dr. Lee called to say he did not need me today. I turned on the router, and called up episode 8 of the Natural Medicine summit. I made coffee and puttered around the kitchen, putting things away. I cleaned out a purse and shook out the crumbs. I exercised, then put on some meditation music for tapping and reflection.
Afterward, I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. I replaced the shower filter, which was difficult. I used a hammer to loosen it, then screwed on the new one. But I couldn't get it tight enough not to leak. Still, plenty of water came out the shower nozzle. Then I vacuumed the bedroom. It was tough because the height setting was stuck on low.
I decided to go for a walk and read at the picnic table. But halfway to the first corner, I noticed my legs were weak and tired, probably from the vacuum and standing on the side of the tub. I went home again and sat out in the back yard. I read until rain threatened me. Then I went in and laid on the couch to read.
At 4, I went to the post office. There were two packages for me and lots of flyers from Viking Cruises. Sigh. I put the boxes in my car and went by the gas station on the way home. One box was full of coffee. Some were raw beans for Jennifer's husband. I put them in my purse. The other box was from Swansons. I unpacked it and combined each one with the nearly empty bottle of the same thing. I threw out the coffee grounds from this morning and watered the plants. I texted Stacey to see if I could get a ride to choir, but she was going early and I wasn't ready. I took a shower, and put on vitamin patches. I had a bit of a headache so I drank lots of water whenever I remembered to. I fiddled with my tablet to make sure it was ready for choir practice. I placed a Swansons order for the stuff I forgot to get. I called Dad and left a message.
At 6:30 I went to choir practice. I gave Jennifer the bags of unroasted coffee beans. She was very excited to get them, on behalf of her husband who takes great pride in roasting his own coffee beans. Several people were absent due to illness. Someone said norovirus was on the upswing at the local college. Choir practice got started late because of a ladies' meeting beforehand. I used my tablet on one song to get pitches. I probably should have used it more, but the app has problems.
Afterward, I went home. I took evening supplements, and turned the AC down. I watched one episode of Royal Pains. I paused near the end to answer Chris' call. I told him how happy Jennifer was with the coffee. He said he hoped it was still good since it had sat for a month. After the call, I finished the show and watched one of Frasier. Then I took an Essiac softgel and a new one called CBDsleep. I wrote up my blog post, stopping now and then to check e-mail (or procrastinate). I listened to Wholetones until I was ready for bed.
* Here is a block from the errant block project (that was donated to one of our groups).

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