Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sewing Sunday

Last night I fell asleep in an hour but woke up later, several times. Finally the alarm went off. I did some tapping because I did not want to get up. I could have stayed in bed longer if I didn't have to go early for choir warm-up. When I did get up, I brushed, swished and showered. I got dressed and put on the next episode of the summit. I was not able to finish it before I had to leave for church.
I arrived a little early since it only took 15 minutes to get there instead of the 20 that I planned. I talked to the pastor until it was time to line up. We sang through the song and then I went out to get a bulletin. I gave it to Jim and went to get another. I sat in my pew and waited for Don, but he never came.
Before the service started, we had a speaker from The Vine who told us about what they do and thanked us for supporting them. Then we had the service, which had more liturgical elements than during the summer. As I took my seat after communion, I thought that the wafer and wine might spike my blood sugar. It occurred to me that cinnamon would help. I nearly laughed out loud as I imagined going to the rail with a small plate upon which I would place the dipped wafer and sprinkle it with cinnamon before ingesting it. In fact, a little butter would help the cinnamon stick. I had to concentrate on something else.
After church there was a meeting to describe the results of the recent survey. It was slow and there was a lot that seemed unnecessary. Maybe it was because I was anxious to get to Renegades. I scooted out at 11:50 to get past the large church on Bailey Cove where the police stop traffic to let the parishioners out. I stopped at Publix and got a bag of groceries before going home.
At home, I changed my clothes, and ate the last piece of tasteless chicken (because it was quicker than making breakfast.) My trunk was already loaded and I went to quilting. I brought in 5 quilt tops and one backing. Lynette asked me to make a backing for the other four. It is standard policy so I was not surprised. I made two backings and one binding. Laura made the other two backings for me. I bought two dozen eggs from Tina. One was for Jennifer.
Then it was time to pack up. While the other ladies put up tables, chairs and tubs of fabric, I swept the room, which is fairly large and takes some time. I finished about the time they did, which was what I had in mind.
When I got home, I started making breakfast. Chris interrupted on Skype. I talked to him for several minutes and we talked about our day. When he hung up, I finished making breakfast and I ate it while finishing the episode of the summit. Then I went for the weekend walk. I actually went a little farther than usual, hoping not to get caught in darkness on the way back. But there was plenty of light to see a live armadillo digging in someone's lawn. I slowly approached it to get a better look. I wished I had my camera with me.
When I got back, I watered my plants, then called Chris to tell him what I saw, but he didn't answer. I went through some e-mail, then watched Royal Pains. I turned down the AC and turned on the air purifier. Then I watched Frasier. I did exercises and rolled a few muscles as I watched. I went through some bags of patches, and found some that will go with the new project from yesterday. After the episode of Frasier ended, I found myself fitting new pieces into the missing spaces when I should have been writing to my blog and going to bed. I finally tore myself away and did my writing and got ready for bed.
* This is Tina's quilt top. *

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