Friday, September 27, 2019

Making the rounds

I don't know how long it took me to fall asleep last night. But I do know that I went back to sleep pretty quickly after getting up once during the night. I slept well and woke up before my alarm went off. I stayed in bed until it rang, then got up, feeling pretty good.
I structured a pitcher of water for drinking. Listening to an interview, I collected the dried leaves from a stevia plant that Jennifer gave me. I listened to several interviews from the sexuality summit. I learned that aldosterone can help reverse hearing loss, and stomach acid declines with age. Acid blockers do not help with that. I used my tuning fork to move some energy.
After eating breakfast, I got dressed and went to the post office. I picked up two packages. Then I went to the bank to deposit a check and get massage money. Then I went to the next shopping center. I walked into the pet shop to look at fountains. Then, because the shops were there, I walked into the CBD shop, the nutrition shop, and the dollar store. The CBD guy said its the THC in the CBD that helps you sleep. (Mine is called CBDSleep and is THC-free) I picked up a few things there and returned to my car.
Then I went to the Jones Valley shopping center. I looked in the pet shop there, and then in Target. I looked at crock pots and slow cookers, and bought a cooking thermometer. On the way home, I stopped at Fresh Market. I wanted to know if they had organic rotisserie chicken. Well, they have rotisserie chicken and they have organic chicken, but no overlap.
The last stop was the library, where I returned everything I had checked out and I quickly selected a new book to read. Then I went home. For supper, I chopped up the last piece of liver and mixed it with a spicy sauce. I also made a salad, and sliced some beer cheese. I listened to interviews as I ate.
I went for a walk and ended up at the picnic table beyond the softball fields. I sat down and read until the darkness threatened. Then I walked home. I watered my plants in the blackness. I opened the package of supplements and put them away. Then I unwrapped the Qi Shield, read the instructions, and set it on the coffee table. I did some stretches as I watched Now You See Me 2 courtesy of Netflix. It was strangely familiar. Afterward, I wrote my blog post, and looked up one of the actors. Then I got ready for bed.
* I didn't take any pics today so here is one of Beverly's quilt top from Tuesday. *

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