Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Stack-n-whack sushi

I got up soon after the alarm went off. I think I slept well. I puttered around doing the usual morning things and tracing my meridians. (I am not sure whether it is helping or not). I checked e-mail quickly and listened to part of episode 7. Then I got dressed and went to quilting.
I brought two bags of stuff for dog beds. Anita was working with Thelma to work out how best to assemble Christmas stockings. They had directions, but it wasn't clear. There were a bunch of machines set up and people ready to work. When Anita did a demo, we all got involved. Most of us sewed, but some people did most of the pressing. I did a handful of stockings. Beverly came and worked at another table. They were doing ornaments. At 11 food was brought out and placed on a table as a buffet. While the ladies ate, I packed up and went home.
I mixed up protein powder in water, and colostrum with MCT oil. I made ginger tea to mix with collagen powder. Then I made breakfast. Stacey texted to see if I could deliver some money for her. I finished episode 7 and started another summit. At 2 I went to Stacey's house to get the money and we talked about taking a walk later.
I went to the church to count money, the sheet was not filled out so I had to record all the checks on paper and stamp them and prepare the deposit tickets. Then I started recording on the computer. Jennifer came by to get a dozen eggs. I gave her the money that Stacey gave me. Elaine came by, too. The three of us talked for a bit, but then Jennifer had to run. Since I wasn't done with the money, Elaine and I did our clearings in the office. Then she left, and I printed reports. Finally I checked into the $300 missing from the accounts total. It was easily resolved and I printed out a corrected version. But there were numbers on the sheet that were unaccounted for on the computer and it made me think I had lost almost $2000.
It was raining hard as I drove to the bank. I was upset at the thought of missing money. I deposited the funds and told the cashier that I thought I lost the money. We conferred and it occurred to me that the funds were listed twice: once as the way they came in, and once as the way they were to be recorded. I was so relieved.
It was raining even harder as I drove home. Going was slow and I was tempted to pull into a parking lot and wait it out. But finally I got home. I set a message to the treasurer. I made a salad and ate it in at the laptop, listening to something from the Sound Healing summit. Then I worked on stack-n-whack blocks. Someone else had done all the stacking and whacking, then gave up, I guess. So it was simple for me to sew the sets of six wedges together. Someone called it sushi fabric because of the print.
It seemed to have stopped raining, so I went for a walk around the circle. There was a little bit of rain. I did some more sewing when I got back. I started the Netflix movie. I paused it to talk to Chris (who found out today that he did not get the job here at the arsenal), then finished the movie. I put the movie in the Netflix envelop and put it in the mail. Then I gathered all the trash and put it out for tomorrow. I wrote my blog post while listening to Wholetones. But I will be playing Holosync on my mp3 headphones when I go to bed.
* It is hard to believe someone did the hardest part, then got rid of these blocks. *

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