Monday, September 30, 2019

An explosion of aphids

I went to bed, hoping to fall asleep faster, but not sure I did. I woke up once and could not go back to sleep. I didn't get up when the alarm rang. I got up when I thought I heard water dripping. I couldn't put weight on my left foot at first. But when I could, I hobbled out to check. No water anywhere.
I did the usual morning stuff. I rolled my foot over the massage ball, and stretched it. I listened to another vitamin talk, but this one was more about juicing. I tested my fasting blood sugar at 95. I went out front to water my plants. The aphids had spread to the petunias. I made up some soap spray with neem oil in it and sprayed everything. Then I texted my neighbor to warn her. She texted back that the aphids were in the nieghborhood before the mums arrived.
I made and ate breakfast while reading e-mail. Then I got dressed. I put my regular machine in the carrying case and packed the horse quilt project.
When I got to quilting, attendance was low. I set up in the back and got to work with the horses. I listened to the general chitchat. Bertha came by to give Alice her phone. Then MaryAnn got a call from Roberta who fell. So she and Alice went off to get her and take her to the emergency room. I talked to Laurie and Bertha and Carolyn. I finished the horse top and started adding ending triangles to the stack-n-whack. That did not go well.
At 3 I packed up to go home. I was feeling tired and lightheaded. I stopped at the post office to pick up the mail. Nothing much to report. Then I went home and tested my blood sugar. I would have said it was low, but it was 114. I ate some seed crackers with avocado dip and a fat bomb .I listened to podcasts, then I texted Stacey to see if she would like to go walking.
I took a bag and clippers and walked to her house. She put on shoes and got a bag herself. Then we walked down by the youth center to collect sumac cones and pine cones. She held the trees down while I cut the cones off. We walked back to our circle, then went around three times, talking all the way. She went home for supper. I went home to check e-mail.
I called Dad, but he didn't answer. I watched Royal Pains. With only three minutes left to go, Chris skyped me. We talked for awhile, though nothing new. We still don't know what his parents are doing for Thanksgiving. I am worried that Michele will get a more local offer.
After the call, I finished the show, then took my evening supplements. I did my evening exercises and rolled my foot and calves. Then I posted to my blog and prepared for bed.

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