Saturday, September 14, 2019

Headed home

It took me more than an hour to get to sleep last night, but I was not in any pain, so I cannot explain it. Sigh. I got up only once during the night. When I got up in the morning, I turned stuff on, and looked for the video I started last night, but it got replaced by the next day's episode. I started laundry. I joined the binding edges on the red quilt. I made breakfast early and ate it, then got dressed. I found some leftover sushi fabric and packed it in my bag. Then I went to quilting.
When I got there, the ladies were already underway. I took a pic of a Halloween quilt that she was binding. Then I got started at my machine. I had some triangles cut so I sewed a few on, then decided I needed more variety. So I cut a bunch of other colors and shades. Then I started sewing again, coordinating the triangles with the hexagons. Tina called for lunch. We lined up and got some food. I found salad, cheese and my crackers. I had brought more tea for the day, and there was some left from yesterday. I talked to the other lady who was sewing at my table. There were a lot less people today.
I sewed until all the hexagons had two opposite triangles. I had found some leftover pinned fabric in six layers and was able to cut two more hexagons. I rifled through the ones I had to see if any colors were underrepresented. But they were about even so I just sewed what looked the best to me. Everyone was packing up their personal stuff and the group stuff. So I packed up mine as well, and the ironing board. Heavy lifting is not my thing, so I bid the few who were left farewell, and headed home.
On a lark, I stopped by a small thrift shop and found it closed, so then I went to the Humane Society thrift shop. I did not see any crock pots there, but I found a piece of felt. As I was paying for it, I mentioned it to the clerk and she went to the back and found a small one. It was smaller than what Chris will want, but just right for one person. So I bought it and headed home.
On the way, I stopped at the library and found another book to read. I had to look in the young adult section to find something without violence and bad words. I checked out, then headed home.
Reaching home, I brought all my sewing stuff and crock pot inside. I checked the mail: none. I ate chicken while finishing an interview from earlier. Then I packed the book in a shoulder bag, and went for a walk. I walked for about 20 minutes and stopped at the picnic table to read and ground myself. It was a pleasant way to spend an hour. As it started to get dark, I headed home.
I tried calling Chris but he didn't answer. I drank some tea. I listened to more interviews while I went through the day's e-mail. I folded laundry and put it away. I put deeper music on my mp3 healphones. I wrote my blog post and then watched Royal Pains. Chris interrupted on Skype. We did not talk long because he was tired and wanted to go to bed. He told me about his day and I told him about mine. Then he hung up and I finished the show. Afterward I took my usual evening supplements and a few others. I also turned the AC down to 69.
I watched one episode of Frasier while doing some stretches and using the massage ball on my stomach. I finished my blog post and got ready for bed.
* This is the back of a quilt I saw yesterday. *

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