Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mums the word

Last night I laid on the couch and listened to a CD of the book. It was not that interesting, but I was still awake when it was over. I moved to the bed and eventually fell asleep. The alarm woke me at 7:30 but I did not get up right away.
As I got my morning started, I listened to an interview on hair loss. The doctor recommended a laser light cap called Capillus. He said finasteride (propecia) also works but is associated with suicidal thoughts and depression.
I did my exercises, dry-brushed, and made coffee. I did a lot of tapping and meditation. It went really well today. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I threw the coffee grounds out in the backyard and watered the plants in the front yard.
I started feeling odd so I took my blood sugar – it was 105. My heart was beating pretty fast. I could only assume it had something to do with caffeine, though it hasn't done that before. I took a shower and laid down. Later I got up and checked my messages. Stacey texted that she was ready any time. So I texted I'd be ready in 5 minutes.
I put on my shoes, got my bag and walked to her house, stopping at the bank of post boxes to see if we had mail. We did, but I left it for later. Stacey was ready for me and we got in her car and went to Lowes. I looked for something colorful and hanging, while she wanted a spray bottle. I looked at every mum in the place and finally chose two yellow ones that were not in full bloom yet. They were not in hanging pots but I had plant hangers at home. I also got some smaller ones for the little pots of petunias that don't look so good. I used the card Faye gave me to pay for them, so they were essentially free. Thanks, Faye.
We were having such a good time talking on the way home that she missed a few turns and we ended up coming in Gate 9. The traffic there was heavy. It was 4:30 when she dropped me off. I pulled my flowers from her trunk and she went home. I got the mail from the box and found a package of grounding electrodes. I put hangers on the two larger mums and hung them on shepherds hooks. The hooks were not in the right place, but the ground was too hard and dry to move them. I put the smaller ones on an over-turned bucket and watered them.
I went through my e-mail again. I put on some audio and sewed some strips together. I drank water infused with moringa. (Elaine liked it so much she plans to buy some from the Korean doctors. ) I ate some fat bombs.
At 6:30 I got my choir folder and tablet and walked over to Stacey's house. I ran into Julia who was walking her dog. We chatted for a few minutes and then I knocked on Stacey's door. Eric answered and we talked about cooking lamb heart. Stacey came out and we got in her car. She drove us to the church, talking all the way.
We went into the sanctuary and dropped off old music and picked up new music. Cecelia invited me to sit by her. Jennifer gave me a bag with some of her stevia plants, plus maca and a supplement that she didn't want. Then the choir did warm-up exercises and practiced a bunch of songs. Because Cecelia was singing in my ear, I did not need the tablet.
After practice, Stacey hung around to talk to Jen and Doc about singing on Sunday during communion. Then we went home and I showed her the path I take to see the lights of Huntsville from the top of a hill. We talked all the way home. She dropped me off at my house and we agreed to supper on Sunday afternoon.
I took my evening supplements and opened a package of grounding electrodes. I checked a few outlets to make sure they were grounded. I was about to place an order with Swansons when Chris called. But we were both tired, so we did not talk long. Then I wrote up my blog post, listening to classical music and looking forward to sleeping in a grounded state.

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