Monday, September 23, 2019

My first fish

I have been taking higher and higher doses of CBD oil in order to fall asleep, but it hasn't worked. I listened to brain wave entrainment through high quality headphones while laying on the couch. That should have put me to sleep, but it didn't. I went to bed early and laid awake for hours. I fell asleep for awhile, but woke in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. I kept waiting for the 6:27 alarm to go off. Finally I got up and got dressed. It was 6:15. I was going to walk to the picnic table, but my foot was hurting so I just watered the flowers out front, then sat on the porch and read a book for an hour or more, finishing it.
I looked at table top fountains on the internet. I wanted something that I could drink from and discovered there are food grade fountains made for pets. They were not exactly stylish, but functional.
I made and ate breakfast at 11 or so. I changed my clothes and put both my regular machine and the Singer featherweight in my trunk, and went to quilting. When I got there, I had to carry the featherweight under one arm and drag the sewing cart with the other. Dinah was the one who is most interested in old machines and she wasn't there. So I set up my regular machine and worked on the stack-n-whack project while I listened to or participated in discussions.
I got all the 'blocks' sewn into rows and decided that was enough, since I needed time to get to the post office. I said goodbye to the two ladies who were left and went to check our postal box. There was one piece of mail asking for a donation. Sigh. I went home. There was nothing in our home box either.
I took the fish out of the fridge. I read the recipe card, which included several ways to cook the fish. It was already in an oven-proof tray, so I turned on the stove, and put strips of butter on the fish, as well as fresh-squeezed lemon. Then I baked it while I listened to the book on CD. William called, which helped to pass time. Then he hung up and the timer rang, so I checked the fish. I wasn't sure if it was done, so I turned the oven off and left it in. I made a salad and ate that, then pulled the fish out and ate some. It was ok. I added more butter and salt and spices. It still wasn't tender and juicy, but it was my first fish. I don't remember ever cooking fish before. After all, what are husbands for?
I cleaned up scraps on my cutting table by them together to make blocks. I pressed them, then checked e-mail again. I was still listening to the book on CD when Stacey came over to get some denim scraps. She remarked on the pumpkin doorhanging that I put up yesterday. She also borrowed the weedeater as well. She invited me to come over later when her husband was watching the game.
I called Chris on skype and was able to catch him coming in the door. We talked briefly. I started jotting notes for my blog. The doorbell rang and UPS left two packages. One of them was the balls I had been waiting for, which were to go in a fountain. I rinsed them off and left them soaking in water.
I went over to Stacey's house. She put on her walking shoes and we walked twice around the circle. We ran into Julia walking her dog and we stopped to chat. Then we completed our walk and went inside. Stacey's husband was watching football, so we took our beverages to the back patio and had a nice chat – for hours. The bugs didn't bother us and it was a quiet night.
When we realized it was 10pm, we went inside, and out the front door. She showed me the outdoor fountain she bought on a yard sale. It made a nice tinkling sound. We chatted a bit and she gave me back my weedwhacker. She watched me walk home, and I made it safely. I checked my phone. I took my evening supplements. Then I wrote my blog post, and got ready for bed.

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