Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Last market day

Because I skipped the brain wave entrainment last night, I had nothing against which to judge how long it took me to fall asleep. But it was better than the night before. I got up once during the night. My leg muscles were on the verge of cramping so I took some magnesium. I was awake when my alarm went off at 6:30. I got up, looked at the daylight outside, and went back to bed. I thought about going for a walk, but the burning in my foot won out. I tried to sleep, but got up just before the 7:30 alarm went off.
I did the usual things. I rinsed the stones that came in the mail yesterday. I watered the plants with the rinse water. There were large mowers out going over the lawn. Yesterday a man had trimmed all the bushes and then used a blower to remove all the clippings from the flowerbeds. It also removed most of the mulch. That left the yard full of trimmings and mulch.
I took some protein powder and ate some fat bombs. I checked e-mail and listened to the rest of the book CD. I read an article saying supplemental iodine damages the thyroid. I was skeptical.
I got dressed and put my regular machine in my trunk. I drove to quilting where they were making stockings for the veteran home. I set up my machine to sew, but then Beverly came and she needed to spray baste a quilt that is due in November. So I helped her with that, though all we got done was batting to backing because she had to leave early. Then I made a stocking and added it to the pile.
The ladies were getting ready for lunch, but I left. My plan was to buy kimbap and measure my blood sugar before and after. I didn't count on the kimbap lady being on vacation. No kimbap this week :(
I went home and made breakfast. I listened to an interview from the Sexual Vitality Summit. The dotor was talking about health and recommended making an anti-aging yogurt which seemed to reverse all the signs of aging. I considered it for some time.
I went to church. The money was counted so all I had to do was enter the numbers in the computer. However, since I had not had the online numbers since Sept 1, I had to go back and find them and enter them today. I printed the reports. I saw Elaine's message and let her know I was finished. She came over to the church. We met in the back room and did clearings together. We also talked about the anti-aging yogurt, and CBD oil. She lent me a book to read on relationships with narcissists. I wasn't really interested, but she really liked it and the author was her friend, so I agreed to give it a try.
Then I went to the bank to deposit the funds. Afterward I circled back to the farmer's market. I bought lettuce and tomatoes. I stopped at the goat cheese booth. He was out of the flavor I wanted so I chose two other kinds. I noticed the meat lady wasn't there and he said she hurt her back and was going for an MRI. Heading back to the car, I passed another meat stand where they advertised chicken gizzards. I couldn't pass that up, but I had to dive into my massage fund to do it. Today was the last day of the market for this year so I splurged.
I went directly home so I could put the meat in the freezer and the lettuce and cheese in the fridge. I ate some fish and an apple for supper. I read e-mail for a bit, then went for a walk. I stopped at the picnic table and read from the book Elaine gave me. It was not a text book, but a novel about being in a relationship with a narcissist. I read until the light got dim. Then I walked home. I watered the plants, kind of in the dark. I came in and put on blue-blocking glasses.
I watched an interview from the Sexual Vitality Summit. Chris called so I paused it. We talked about nothing in particular. Then he hung up to apply for more jobs. I finished it and watched another one. Then I wrote to my blog while considering what would be more relaxing before bed: listening to brain wave entrainment, or to a book on CD.
* This is the quilt top I worked on yesterday. Do you think it needs more color? *

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