Friday, November 29, 2019

Black Friday

I heard my alarm go off in the den. I must have fallen asleep again and had a dream about Faye being missing. Then I saw her with a cult and thought they had brainwashed her. I shouted “Let her go” and woke up myself and Michele.
No one else was up. I checked e-mail and looked at the organic acids test results which had just come in on my laptop. My vitamin C level was high. Then I made vitamin water. I was going to make vinegar water but Cecily's vinegar was old and dark and not organic. And I left my second lemon at Dad's house.
I called Kurt and talked to him and then Faye. She said Dad had a bout of diarrhea. I apologized for not mentioning that he had prune juice for lunch yesterday. Then someone came in the room. Faye kept the phone open so I could hear, but it was not clear enough. I deleted a bunch of e-mail while waiting for her to get back to me. Finally I hung up to preserve Kurt's phone battery. I started composing my blog post for yesterday. Then I called Faye's phone. She was still at the hospital. We talked about Dad getting out of bed for breakfast (which an OT did earlier). We talked about whether he needed an assistant (like Faye or Darleen) if he went to the 5th floor rehab. Someone came to do an assessment. So I hung up and let Faye concentrate on that.
Cecily talked to me about rehab and such. Then I made breakfast and got dressed. I called Kurt who was about to text me that Dad was accepted into rehab on the 5th floor. YES!!! I told him to send Faye the new room number when it was determined.
When Michele was ready, the three of us drove to JohnstonWillis. We met Kurt and Faye in Dad's room getting ready for the move. Dad finished eating and we pulled the tray away. Faye asked me to compose several meal menus for next week. The nurses brought a wheelchair and two of them got him into it. Then he was wheeled to the 5th floor while Chris and I looked around the room to make sure nothing was left behind.
The room on the 5th floor was the same size as the 4th floor, just enough for a bed and a chair, but there was no chair. We found an empty room with one and Kurt moved that chair to Dad's room. However, it was not a reclining chair. We tried to stay out of the way while Perry (my favorite nurse from last February) got him situated in the bed and weighed him. Faye and I made a list of things Dad should have from home. Then Faye went home to get the stuff. William arrived after work. He chatted with Michele and Chris.
I assured Dad everything would be fine. He was in worry mode. Chris said we had to leave, so William stood by Dad while we said goodbye and left. On the way to the elevator, we ran into Allie, his OT from last time. I spoke to her briefly and she said she would check in on him even though he was not assigned to her this time.
Then we went down to the hospital entrance. I had to use the bathroom. Then I realized I did not have my purse. So Chris ran back to get it while Michele and I walked to the car. When he got back, we went to his parent's house for supper.
Supper was almost ready. I deleted some e-mail, then sat down with the family. Chris said grace, then we feasted on prime rib, au jus, salad, potatoes, brussels sprouts, and yorkshire pudding. Cecily could not finish her meal so we all pitched in to help.
I talked to Faye. Then the nurse came into Dad's room. Faye asked him for a reclining chair, and a phone. He was surprised that the room had no phone. I was feeling dizzy so I ended the call. I ran out of vitamin water so I made more.
The family was watching the food channel. I tried to catch up on e-mail and the very few Black Friday sales that I was interested in. Chris called me to him in the den to complete the CEL survey for the housing community that we live in. There was no place to complain about how high the prices are for the size of the house. And that they charge extra because we can't sign a long term contract.
I went back to my contemplation of special sale prices. I marked the sales that run all weekend and ordered from two that end at midnight. Then it was high time I went to bed.

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