Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sunday the 24th

I had a hard time falling asleep, but I slept through the night. I heard my alarm ring and Chris got up to turn it off. Maybe we both went back to sleep? But it rang again (8:30 local) and he turned it off. I got up to take a shower, then brushed and swished. I did not have a cold finish because Michele's shower is set to a particular setting which is then on or off. I did not want to change it.
I got dressed and made vitamin water. I watched a video about humpback stretches. H
I chatted with Michele. I scrubbed her stove top with magic eraser. I showed her how the sewing machine works. Then I made breakfast. I put the chia and flax and cacao in and hoped I could chew it well enough not to get stuck in my teeth.
After breakfast (which ended at nearly noon), Chris and I got on the road. We listened to more of the book on CD. Chris took me to my dad's house. He went to the grocery store for me and then headed to see his parents.
Faye and I took care of Dad, getting him from the wheelchair to the walker and to the bathroom. It took both of us because he was so weak and unable to follow certain directions. Darleen showed up about 9. She and Faye slept in Dad's room and I slept on the couch in the living room. Patrick came home late. He started the washing machine and plunked himself down in front of the TV. I told him to keep it low so I could sleep. I did a lot of tapping and finally dozed off.

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