Friday, November 1, 2019

The art of the heart

I got up soon after the alarm went off. I got dressed, and turned on the electricity. I made the vitamin powder and dissolved it in a bottle of water. I took a sip and then turned to e-mail. I rinsed the sprouts. One round of breathwork. The yogurt maker was 9 hours from finishing.
I turned the calendar page to November. That meant I had a bunch of checks to write. I put one in my purse for Sunday, one in the mail, and walked another one to Housing to pay the rent. It was REALLY cold outside, but at least the sun was shining.
I listened to a podcast on physical health and emotional trauma. I cleaned up the coconut pieces from the one I opened with a hammer yesterday. It was bad, both the water and the meat. Sigh. I think I have gotten 5 coconuts from Publix over the years and only one was good.
I put a magnet under my left wrist and on top because it hurt. The magnets were strong enough to hold each other in place. I took protein powders mixed with water. I found my glasses while putting the trick-or-treat toys away. I called up the mouthwash formula to make more and remembered that I forgot to brush and swish. So I did that before I made another batch of mouthwash.
Since I wasn't supposed to take any supplements that might kill yeast, bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses, I had to go through the supplement doses I had already made and remove anything that might do so. (These things might skew the test results.) I ended up pulling a bunch of capsules out that I had no idea what they were. I opened each supplement bottle and put back in whatever matched what was inside. But there were capsules left over. They must have been stuff that I ran out of.
When I had done 5 days worth of that, I made breakfast. I ate it and then made more spirulina/chlorella mix for tomorrow. I read e-mail, then took a break.
It was sunny out, so I finished the current podcast and mowed the lawn. It had some beautiful dandelion in it, so I raised the deck of the mower so as to preserve it for later (supper tomorrow?)
I listened to another podcast, which was long and hard to keep up with while reading e-mail and doing stuff in the kitchen. When it was over, I drove to the post office, hoping for a package, but no. Then I went to the library, hoping to find any book by Richard Rohr. But they only owned one and it was checked out yesterday. So I picked another book by Dave Barry.
When I got home, I checked the house mail. There were two envelopes, addressed to and from Chris. Hmm. There was also a bill, which I sent him the particulars of. I organized green strips by intensity so I could sew them later. Then I sat outside in the sun, reading, with one foot bare on the grass.
When I came in, the yogurt was done. I put it in the fridge to firm up.
I put parsnips in my purse to take to Stacey's house. But she was coming up my walk so I met her and we walked around the circle, chatting. When we got to her house, I held out the parsnips. Eric took them and looked up a recipe. She peeled them and chopped them and he put them on the grill outside. He had smoked the heart and then put it in the insta-pot with bacon and onions. Stacey and I chatted at first and then their daughter called. He put it on speaker phone so I just listened to them chat. He put plates on the table. After the call, he put a dish of sweet potatoes and green stuff on the table, followed by the grilled parsnips, the heart, and a smoked turkey. The parsnips tasted a bit like carrots. They were really good. But the best part was the heart. It was tender and smokey with a hint of bacon. He liked it too. She wasn't keen to try it, but he prevailed upon her and she was ok with a small bite. We had a good meal. I had my tapping call coming up at 7, so they rushed me out in time to make the call.
I went home and typed a message to Nell, then went for a drink. She called and I hurried back to greet her. We shared our latest news, then we tapped for my worries about my dad. Just as we were coming to a close, I got a text from Stacey. So after the call, I texted her back. She came over with a covered tinfoil dish of meat, saying she didn't know exactly what was in it because Eric packed it (probably heart and dark turkey meat). She emoted for a while and we chatted. She said her husband really enjoyed cooking for me, and figuring out the right ratio of chips for the smoker. She thought I should come over one night with several odd things in a basket and challenge him to make a meal – like Ironchef.
After she left, I started typing up my blog. Then Chris called on skype. He'd had 6 beers, and was just getting back from the Friday Attitude Adjustment and Professional Development session. He talked animatedly for some time, which is unusual for him. I just listened. After 45 minutes, we ended the call so he could get some sleep before the chapel hike tomorrow. Then I finished my blog and went to bed.

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