Friday, November 22, 2019

Michele's Place

I had trouble sleeping because it was too hot. I brought my warmest nightgown because Dad's house is cold, but it was too hot for the hotel. I did not take any bedtime supplements, and I did not wake up in the middle of the night. I was awake before the alarm went off at 7:30 CST. I put on an interview that was due to be pulled down at noon. I brushed and swished, then washed up and got dressed. Then I made breakfast and vitamin water. I also soaked the sprouts. I ate breakfast while Chris ate slices of bread from home. I asked Chris for a new laptop because I am tired of having both hinges broken. He was not gung-ho on the idea. Then we packed up our stuff. I checked out while Chris brought the car around. We put the luggage in and headed out.
We listened to more of the book on CD. I took a swig of vitamin water every 10 minutes. It ran out about 3pm. So then I drank straight water. We also snacked from the food box. We followed the GPS to Michele's office. The local traffic was horrible. There, she gave us the key to her condo and we met her co-worker.
Then we followed the GPS to her condo. We moved all our stuff plus the stuff we brought for her, inside. Chris moved the car to an unreserved spot. She had bean soup with choriso in a crock pot. I laid down on the bed and tried to sleep, but it didn't work. We took a walk outside. I needed some fresh air, but had to balance that against the pain in my foot. Then we went back inside. Chris found her internet password, so we got on our computers.
At 6 she came home. She served us soup. We talked about this and that. I showed her the stuff we brought her. Later the three of us sat on her bed and watched episodes of The Good Place. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* Michele at work. *

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