Thursday, November 7, 2019

Four chances for Fedex

Last night I forgot to turn the Air Doctor on an hour before bedtime. So after I turned it on, I spent some time brushing, and then opening the mold test kit and reading those instructions. Then I went to bed.
I woke up early feeling the urge, but wondering if there was enough for the sample. I tried to go back to sleep, but it was impossible. So I got up and peed in the cup. There was plenty, but I couldn't tell if it was yellow enough. I put it in the freezer, and went back to bed.
I still couldn't sleep. I shut off the alarm when it rang, and tried again. But 15 minutes later I checked the sleep app. 84%. But it must think I am asleep when I lay still, trying to sleep.
Anyway I got up. I turned on the electricity to the bedroom. I put lemon juice in a quart of water and drank some. Then I brushed and swished. I took the cup from the freezer and marked it with time and date. It was yellowish. And not frozen yet – an hour and a half later. Hmm.
I filled out the paperwork and the online form. I called Fedex to schedule the pickup between 9:30 and 1pm. I noted that the freezer pack should be flat, and it wasn't. So I boiled some water and soaked just long enough to straighten it out a bit, then refroze it. I threw food scraps in the back yard. I ate some turkey. I made a bottle of vitamin water.
I worked on the mold dishes. I intended to make a list of the 5 best places to sample, but I couldn't decide. I sent Chris an e-mail and turned my attention to other things. I opened the front door to listen for the Fedex man. At 10:20 I put the specimen in the bag, and the bag in the box and the box in the mailer. I set it outside the front door.
I whipped up a batch of coconut yogurt and set it in the yogurt maker for the requisite 24 hour incubation. Then I made and ate breakfast.
It was supposed to rain today, but it hadn't started yet. So I stayed dry as I put my sewing machine in my trunk and went to quilting. I was surprised how many ladies were there, but then I remembered it was potluck day. I socialized for a while, then set up my machine. Rhonda recommended getting an LED light for Ruth (the featherweight). I added borders to the stack-n-whack quilt top, then pronounced it done. As we left, Pat was taking out the garbage. I offered to take it home for disposal. On the drive home, I could smell hamburgers and cigarettes.
When I got home, the Fedex package still there. I called Fedex again, they assured me the package would be picked up by 4 and will get to its destination by tomorrow. I ate seed crackers, then yogurt with chia added to firm it up. I also opened a young coconut. I listened to podcasts and read e-mail.
At 4:50 the package was still there, so I called Fedex again. This agent assured me it would be picked up by 6 and will arrive at the lab by tomorrow. She also said next time I should drop it off at one of their shipping locations.
I found binder clips in the garage, and attached one to my monitor hinge. I looked up articles and videos on repairing laptop hinges. No one used binder clips as far as I could tell. They said the fix was quick and easy, but they lost me at step 1: disassemble laptop. Ha!
It was a little after 5:30 when I called Faye. She was with Dad who had just finished supper. I talked to him for a few minutes. Faye was happy now that there was a walker in his room so she could practice with him.
William called while I was talking to Faye. I called William back. He said his phone company won't service any non-5G phones after the end of the year. I thought that was awfully arrogant of them, expecting their customers to buy new phones just to stay connected.
Then I called Fedex again because package was STILL on my front porch. I asked for a supervisor but got customer service, who just apologized over and over saying there was nothing they could do because all the drivers had gone home. I put the package in the freezer just in case it was still frozen. I waited for my tapping buddy to come online, not sure what we had decided to do last week. I watched a video where a man took a hard drive from a dead laptop and converted it to an external drive so he could load the files to another laptop. I moved the plants near the house for the night. It is supposed to get cold, but not quite freezing.
I watched an episode of Royal Pains. Chris texted, so I paused it and called him. We only spoke for 11 minutes because his laptop fan was so annoying. He said the issue was between Fedex and the lab because the lab paid for the mailer.
Then I finished the episode and watched another one. I did some stretches and used the massage ball. Then I put on classical music while write up my blog post. Now it is time to get ready for bed.
* another pic from the HQH quilt show. *

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