Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tuesday the 26th

We got Dad up at 7:30 so we could get him washed and dressed and fed. A PT came to the house at 9:30. She showed us exercises we could do with him to loosen up all those tight muscles. That made it easier to stand him up. Faye was both impressed and wondered why no one had said anything before.
William came by at lunch time, I think. He presented me with a pair of Brooks Addiction walking shoes. I tried them on. He had to go back to work and I forgot I was wearing the shoes.
We took Dad to the urologist. They scanned his bladder and thought it was ok. The doctor talked to us about enlarged prostate options. He seemed to favor stopping one of the medications for three weeks to see what happens.
When we got back, Kevin handed me a piece of chicken from the container he had made for Dad. Faye took Dad to the bathroom and then back to the car. We took Dad to Sheltering Arms for a consult. The PT lady didn't do much with him because his right leg was swollen and warm. She suspected a blood clot and said she wouldn't work with him until he got a doctor's note that it was ok to do PT. On the way out, we talked to a lady with a service dog. It was very friendly, but we were not to pet it while it was working. Faye and I discussed our options. We decided it would be quickest to get a doctor at the hospital to do an exam and write a note.
So we took Dad to the ER. They had a sign out front that said 6 minute wait time. But we went right in. I parked Dad at the desk and answered some questions. Then an aide took him to a room in the ER. Faye and I followed. A team of three people got him on the exam bed and started taking info and samples. We did little waiting. We were told he had bacterial pneumonia and a blood clot that traversed the length of his right leg. They put him on antibiotics and admitted him to a room on the 4th floor.
It was too late for supper. Faye went to Subway in the hospital and got a foot long spinach wrap. She ate half. We agreed that I would stay and she would sleep at Dad's house. So she left. She came back with denture stuff and seed cracker and vitamin powders, then she went back to Dad's house. I made myself as comfortable as I could on the reclining chair. But it got really cold next to the window. The room was so small I could not relocated the chair. Dad fidgeted most of the night. When he dislodged an EKG wire or some sensor, the machine beeped and I got up to fix it. So I got up a lot.

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