Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hanging with Michele

I woke up early. The bed was low in the middle and I kept rolling that way. I looked under the bed, but didn't see anything wrong with the slats. I heard my first alarm go off. I went back to bed for awhile. My back wasn't happy with the low spot, so I just got up.
After a while, my second alarm went off, and Chris and Michele got up. Michele made oatmeal for all of us. I mixed in most of my breakfast ingredients. I had forgotten to bring the coffee grinder so I could not grind the chia seeds, flax seeds, and cacao nibs. Michele did not have a grinder or a blender.
After breakfast, they loaded empty boxes into Michele's car and dropped them off at U-Haul for someone else to use. Chris also put the glass in our car into the local recycling.
He and Michele talked about gaming stuff. Later we all went to the grocery store to get food and a filter for the heating system. It was a little more walking than my foot was happy with.
When we got back, Chris hardboiled eggs and put a package of bacon in the oven to slow-roast. I read e-mail and listened to interviews. He and Michele did something similar I guess. When the eggs were done, Chris made egg salad for all of us. Mine was on a plate, but they had sandwiches and hard cider.
Then they watched a movie together in the guest room. I took pics of her windows, and listened to audios on laptop. I watched an episode of The Quilt Show. It made me sleepy so I laid down. But I never quite fell asleep.
It was almost supper time when I got up. Chris baked sweet potatoes for him and me. Michele didn't want one. He and I put cocoa and butter and coconut flakes on our potatoes. Michele dished out bean soup for all of us. They put cheese on theirs and I put sprouts on mine. We all had the oven-roasted bacon that Chris made. Then I ate some salsa, which was really spicy. So then Chris and Michele tried it too. They drank more hard cider.
We all chatted for awhile. Chris told us about the pecan beer he bought at the PX in Honduras. Michele and I talked about which curtains she wanted. Then Michele asked for some alone time with her laptop. So Chris and I watched episodes of The Good Place while Michele used her laptop in the guest room. Afterward Chris went to bed while I watched a video on stretches for back pain, and typed up my blog.

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