Monday, November 4, 2019

More tests

I think I fell asleep a little sooner last night. I got up once during the night. Later I heard the alarm go off, then got up.
I brushed and swished. I made vitamin mix. I took protein supplements, and got dressed. Later I ate some heart and anti-aging yogurt. I listened to podcasts while working in the kitchen. The doorbell rang and I found a test kit on my front porch. I did not open it at the time. I washed dishes and cleaned counter tops. I checked the weather, then brought the plants out of the garage and watered them. I hung up the mums.
I made and ate breakfast. I packed the strip set project, and went to quilting.
When I got there, most of the ladies were sitting around the lunch table. Some were cutting a cake. When they saw me, Dinah led the singing of “Happy Birthday” for those who were having birthdays this month: Dinah, Donna, and Damour. I visited with the ladies who were no longer eating. We discussed the time change, and no one was in favor of it. I set up at the end of a table. I cut some strips for borders. The cutter was cutting a ragged edge and I discovered there were two blades on it! I took one off and Lauri gave me a case to put it in. I measured the strips for binding and set them aside. Then I sewed and pressed strips for two strip sets. I enjoyed participating in the conversation. Jennifer called to talk about juicing celery. I promised to lend her my juicer tomorrow.
On the way home, I stopped at the post office. There was no package even though it should have arrived Saturday. I went home and checked the mail. I picked dandelion. I found another test kit on the front porch. I opened it and read some of the directions. I called the Chevy dealership to see if they could order a part for Chris' car, but apparently not until he gets back.
I made and ate salad and nuts. I called Faye. She talked about how she found Dad dehydrated in his wheelchair even though she had attached a water bottle holder. He still did not have a walker in his room so Faye could help him practice walking. We talked for awhile. I watched one episode of TQS. Chris called, so I talked to him for 25 minutes.
Then I worked on test kits, filling out forms, and looking up nearby UPS drop boxes. I contacted my massage therapist because one of the specimens is supposed to be collected after a deep tissue massage. I brushed and swished. I typed up my blog post while listening to the end of a podcast. I took extra vitamin C and magnesium. Then I got ready for bed.
* This is a baby quilt that Lauri made. *

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