Thursday, November 21, 2019

Packing and travel

I woke up at 6:45 to use the bathroom, so I must have slept through the night. I went back to bed until 7:30. I called Faye and sadly woke her up. She was with Dad at home. From the conversation, it takes two people to handle him now. So she and Darleen are doing night duty together.
I boiled water and packed up the seed crackers which were crisping in the oven all night. I brushed and swished. I soaked the sprouts. I got dressed and posted to my blog for yesterday. I packed my suitcase. I added to the food boxes. I chose some curtains for Michele. I filled a sewing bag with notions and chose an iron for her. Then I made and ate breakfast. Then Chris made himself lunch. I deleted a bunch of e-mail, then packed up my laptop. As I carried out the trash, I saw my next door neighbor and asked him to put our recycling out at the curb on recycle day, which will be the day after Thanksgiving. He said he'd be happy to.
With the car packed, we left the house at 12:15. We stopped for gas and waited in line. Then we got on the road and started listening to a book on CD. I fell asleep at times, but woke up at the end of each CD to put in the next one.
We got to Bristol at 5:30 CST, but 6:30 local time. We went to a sushi restaurant for supper. I swear I ordered grilled eel, but got grilled cuddlefish. I also got a vegetable roll. Then we went to the hotel to check in. We had time to settle in. Chris watched a movie on his laptop while I engaged in a Skype call with my tapping buddy. We tapped for her neck pain and she said it felt better at the end.
I started listening to a podcast that expires tomorrow at noon. Chris invited me to watch The Good Place with him. So I paused it and we watched two episodes. Now, I think we are going to bed. I hope I can fall asleep as easily as in the car.
* Another quilt from the meeting on Tuesday night. *

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