Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Two more tests taken

I woke up early, having slept pretty well. I was going to try sleeping again, but I felt a sample coming. I opened the GI kit and read the instructions. I collected the specimen, packed it as per the instructions, and called Fed-Ex for pickup. I left the package on the front porch.
I ate the rest of the heart, and put the turkey back for later. I put on a podcast. I juiced 4 bunches of celery. I drank some of it, and froze the rest as popsicles. I cleaned the juicer and put it back in it's box. I put the box in the trunk. I started a new batch of sprouts.
I rifled through a bag of scraps donated for dog beds. There were some batting pieces I could use for a project, and a few pieces of hand-dyed purple fabric.
At 9:30 I went to quilting. Beverly was not there so I sat next to Anita. I gave her the bag of dog bed scraps. I pulled out my red quilt to work on the binding. I listened to the conversation around me as I sewed. Beverly came in later and sat by the other Beverly. Later I got to talk to her. She was consumed with her daughter's upcoming wedding. She showed me two garters she had made, plus pictures of the bridal shower, and her mother-of-the-bride dress.
We left about 11:30. I went home to made and eat breakfast. I got some listening done, but paused it to go to a massage. The urine collection instructions were to collect a sample at least an hour after a deep-tissue massage. Who am I to argue with the instructions?
I had the offering stuff with me, as well as a bottle of water with some vitamins in it. I went to Ruth's Nutrition, arriving at my scheduled time. My therapist and I talked for awhile, then I used the restroom and got on the table. She talked most of the time, while massaging my back, shoulders, arms and legs. She beat my left foot with a hollow bamboo stick. It hurt but she said it broke down scar tissue. I told her all about finding an on-line practitioner and submitting my samples for testing. She thought it was a good idea.
After the massage, I went to the restroom again, as instructed. Then I drank some water and went to an Asian store for coconuts. Then I went to the church. I carried the juicer inside with me. I entered data and printed reports. Jennifer hadn't come by yet for the juicer, so I put it in her office. I had to use the restroom again, and it was only 45 minutes after the massage – too soon to collect a sample. I peed, then went to the bank to deposit the money. From there I went home.

When I got home, it was almost 4. The Fed-Ex package was gone. The nearest UPS drop off site had pickup at 4. I might have made it, but I didn't have to pee. So I took a walk around the circle. When I came in sight of the house, I had the urge. I filled the little cup as requested, and put it in the fridge while I read the instructions again. I didn't want anything to go wrong. I looked at UPS pickup sites again. I had just enough time to pack everything including the freezy packs, and get to the official UPS store before their 5:15 pick-up time.
I went to the UPS store to submit the package for shipping. From there I walked to Fresh Market for eggs and olives. I walked back to my car and drove home. I called Faye, but she didn't answer. I made a salad for supper. I also had some seed crackers and salsa, and a pomegranate.
I collected the trash from around the house. I watched an episode of Royal Pains. Of course, I had to pause it when Chris called on Skype. We talked for a few minutes, but didn't have much to say. I finished watching the episode. Then I took the trash out, then started writing my blog post. Then I got ready for bed.
* A pic from the HQH quilt show. *

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