Thursday, May 28, 2020

A tale of two parties

I woke up early but stayed in 'bed' until the alarm rang. I took the first supplement and went back to bed. It was almost 8:30 when I heard someone talking to Patrick. I thought it was Dad, but it was Theresa, Dad's caregiver. She and I had quite a conversation. I gave her Faye's number.
I washed up and got dressed while Chris started laundry. I packed my suitcase and such. I worked on the instrument mask for Dad, doing all the sewing by hand. Theresa watched Dad get ready and do his dentures. When the mask was fixed, I made breakfast. After eating a banana, I turned my attention to hemming the three pairs of pants on the sewing machine. Chris was itching to go, so I had not time to obsess and perfect the process. Theresa took Dad for a walk, and then he rested while she made his lunch.
I said good bye to Dad and Theresa and Patrick. That took a long time. I packed up my laptop, and put the utility room rug back in place. Thanks to Faye's fan, it was dry, I put my freshly washed laundry in my suitcase and packed my pillow. I helped Chris carry our stuff to the car. It began to rain again as we left.
We got to the Damours by 4pm, maybe earlier. We talked. Michele gave me her story to read while she went with Chris to put gas in his car. I read Michele's story after Cecily left to attend to supper. I listened to an interview about blue light and health. I paused it when Michele told me supper was ready.
For supper we had a rotisserie chicken, plus brussel sprouts, carrots, and wild rice. After supper, we had a cake that Michele made. Cecily had two colors of candles, pink for Michele and blue for Chris. They blew out their candles. She asked Michele to cut the cake, but I suggested it should be cut by a disinterested third party. I cut the cake while Cecily dished out ice cream. Then Michele and Chris opened their cards and read them aloud. They had three each.
When the table was cleared, I snuck off to my food box and ate seed crackers and a sweet pepper. Then I resumed the interview about blue light and health. I read e-mail when the interview was over, then listened to my congressman talk about Covid in Alabama. The health inspector guy said half of the almost 600 deaths in Alabama occurred in nursing homes. I took the last of the supplements for today. Then I got ready for bed.
* Chris' birthday was yesterday and Michele's birthday will be on Sunday *

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