Monday, May 11, 2020

The empty Zoom room

I got up at 8. I took the first supplement, then brushed and swished. To use up some scraps lying on my table, I cut out pieces for 8 masks. At 10 I sat down for Zoom meeting with the Monday quilters. I read e-mail while waiting for it to start, but then got a notice of our leader not able to get into Zoom. Chris had a meeting at the same time, but it didn't last long.

I used the solution from yesterday to do another nasal rinse. It seemed to help with the tooth pain. I read articles until breakfast time. I made breakfast, and took it outside. I put a footstool under my ripped reclining lawn chair so I could sit on it. I ate breakfast there and read a book by Linus Pauling. He pointed out studies on Vitamin C where the data showed a benefit, but the authors concluded that it did not. Anyone who only read the conclusion, would not know there was a >10% benefit.
When I came in, I read an article from Chris that set out to debunk Mikovits. At least one citation did not exactly say what the author used it to claim. I ate half a banana coated in cinnamon. I watched some tapping videos and also a video link from our choir director showing a choir singing the Hallelujah chorus from home.

At 3:30, I stopped to fuel up, then went to the post office, and brought home the mail but no packages. I texted two people, then went for a walk. Although it was sunny out, the wind was cool. I picked wild strawberries for later. When I got home, I continued reading e-mail. Then I had a bowl of heart stew for supper and made a large salad. After supper, I played an interview with Mikovits. First I listened with headphones, but then Chris assured me that he couldn't hear it because of the dishwasher, so I unplugged the headphones and listened while sewing masks.

I stopped sewing when he sat on the couch. I made my usual drink and we watched Inspector Lynley. Then I sat by my laptop to compose my thoughts about today. He finished up something on his laptop and went to bed. I stayed up to soak sprouts and get ready for bed.
* I am going to miss all this greenery when we move to Utah. *

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