Saturday, May 9, 2020

Here comes the sun

I stayed up late watching some funny videos on YouTube. Then I went to bed, slept pretty well, and got up at 8. It was a dreary day. I guess the sun on lock-down. I brushed and swished, then made two pleated music masks. I turned on my laptop and checked e-mail.
I listened to a tapping audio. I looked up how to turn off auto-numbering because it is so aggravating when I am taking notes. While listening to a summit episode, I cut gray strips for borders. I chose another gray fabric to use as well. But it must have been double-wide. I had to fold it multiple times to cut it, so I pulled a thread aaaaaaaaaall the way across to make sure I got a straight fold and cut. I pieced it together with the lighter gray and made four borders.
I made and ate breakfast, listening to the next summit. I submitted orders to Amazon and Swansons for supplements and health foods. I hardboiled a dozen eggs and left them to cool.
I asked Chris if the June 30th stop-move-order might be extended. He said he didn't know, but other options include him doing that job from here, him moving now and me moving later, or getting an exception to policy for us both to move sooner. I watched the Corbett report on Bill Gate's plan to vaccinate the world. I wouldn't trust Bill Gates with my computer, certainly not with any fast-tracked vaccine his company comes up with. How many times has he released software that didn't have the bugs worked out yet? I also read about a study of vit D level and severity of Covid infection. Gotta get some sun next time it's available.
I finished sewing the borders on the quilt top and took a pic. It kinda looks ok after all. I wanted to channel quilt it, but that would accentuate all the lines that aren't quite straight.
I went to the post office and picked up a package. Still no junk mail. When I got back, I went for a walk, even though it seemed on the verge of rain. I could see a sliver of blue sky off in the distance. I walked around the circle, concentrating on that blue sky and by the time I finished, the sun was shining on the neighborhood. I made salad for supper, plus some egg salad for protein.
I listened to talks and read articles until Chris was ready. We watched Inspector Lynley solve a case and get arrested. I drank my magnesium water, swallowed a packet of lypomagthreonate and had a capsule of melatonin. I felt so sleepy that we both went to bed afterward.
* So, any ideas what kind of quilting would enhance this design? *

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