Saturday, May 30, 2020

All good things come to an end

I got up at 9. I took the first supplement and said hello to Cecily who was doing puzzles on her tablet. I read e-mail and listened to a talk by Peter Schiff, economist. I paused it to make breakfast. Then I washed up and got dressed. We packed and loaded the car. Chris did most of it because my right arm was hurting from sleeping on my back with my arm outstretched to Chris. He helped me choose some books from the shelf in the bedroom. There was a set of 5 stories from James Fenimore Cooper.
Around noon, we hugged everyone good bye and got on the road. I iced my arm. We talked about Peter Schiff's advice for maybe an hour, then we finished our book on CD. We started the next one, and stopped at a rest area. For some reason the signs reminded people to wash their hands, but said nothing about wearing a mask.
Around 5 we pulled into Bristol. We (mostly Chris) moved our luggage to the hotel room. They did not upgrade us this time. Sigh. Then we went to the sushi place where I ordered a sushi roll. It was take-out only, so we waited to pick it up. Then we went to 5 Guys where Chris got burgers and fries.
Back at the hotel, we ate our respective suppers in front of our laptops. I finished the Peter Schiff interview (see below). I listened to one by Dr. Buttar, and checked out his site. I started answering questions on his AHEAD MAP survey. I paused it to watch two episodes of Legends of Tomorrow with Chris. Then I finished the questionnaire, and read the newest e-mail. Then I posted to my blog and we went to bed.

“A vaccine is not going to solve the economic crisis created by shutting down businesses and going off the gold standard. Printing money will cause inflation. We had a bubble economy before CoVid (a very large pin) came along and nothing is going to put the air back in the bubble. The govt isn't sitting on a bunch of money that it only doles out in the event of an emergency. The gov't doesn't support the people, the people support the govt. The govt only has what it takes from the people. The US is spending twice what it gets from the people: deficit spending. We'd better be nice to China because we owe them a lot. Puerto Rico is a tax haven for Americans so many moved there to save money. Invest in gold and foreign stocks and currencies.”
* Al puts out seed for the birds and squirrels *

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