Thursday, May 14, 2020


I got up before 8. I was in the kitchen by the time Chris started his telecon. After taking the first supplement and brushing my teeth, I mended a bra and worked on the masks. I heard Chris exclaim as he got dropped from the call. After I made an hour of progress o the masks, I checked e-mail. I read articles while listening to interviews. So much content to consume.
Around 11:30 I started making breakfast. Then I read outside for an hour. It was hard to put the book down. I worried about getting burnt, so I went inside. I listened to another interview and finished the masks. Then I started on the scrap quilt. I decided to quilt inside each shape with matching thread. Surely that should minimize wrinkles on the back. I did all the white pieces.
Around 4 I took my midafternoon supplements. Then I walked once around the circle, and brought in the mail. I would have walked further, but decided to take it easy on my foot for one more day. It hardly hurts. I pulled a new watch battery from the fridge and Chris put it in my watch. Then I read e-mail until supper time.
I ate the last of the heart stew for supper. I also made my usual salad. I had a bowl of blueberries with a square of chocolate, a handful of pecans and some shredded coconut. Then I quilted more sections in black while listening to an interview on shungite. That reminded me that my shungite bracelet is still missing.
I stopped to make a magnesium drink when Chris moved to the couch. Then we watched the last episode of Inspector Lynley. I checked out some other things someone suggested to watch, but Netflix wasn't streaming any of them. So who knows what we'll watch tomorrow. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog and use my massage ball. Blogging took longer than necessary due to an error that I had to look up to get around.

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