Sunday, May 17, 2020

My singing debut

I stayed up way too late last night watching an interview that Chris would label conspiracy theory. I got up at 7:45, the hot flashes were particularly bad. I turned on my laptop. Somehow my blog document was doing the automatic numbering thing again and I had to look up (again) how to turn it off. I re-saved it hoping the changes would stick this time.
I watched our church service on Youtube which I helped film last week. After listening to myself sing on the video, I feel like sending an apology to every one in the church.
I watched a video of a 100 y/o woman talking about what it was like for her family during the Spanish flu. I was surprised to learn that the first wave started in Fort Riley, Kansas. She said her mother insisted that the family take ½ tsp of baking soda in a glass of water each morning, and that her family did not get sick, so they made food and delivered it to their ill neighbors.
Chris took a shower while I started watching an interview with Judy Mikovits. I had headphones on so he wouldn't hear it. But when he sat on the couch to put on his shoes, he saw her on my screen and it sparked an emotional response. To be fair, he did calm down and we had a long discussion where we both explained our points of view, but neither of us changed our beliefs.
At 11:30, I made and ate breakfast. It was raining so I did not read outside. Instead, we went to Publix for the usual groceries. I ate half of a banana after putting the food away. I listened to an interview on economic hit men, by a former chief economist. I went on to read other articles. Chris called his mother to talk about food if we go visit them. I talked to Faye, then went for a walk since the rain had stopped. I watched videos on the benefits of HCQ and the unusual restrictions suddenly placed upon a medicine that has been in use for a long time. I posted one to my Facebook page, but I think Facebook is no longer showing my posts.
I ate a few pieces of pork heart and a can of soup for supper. I looked into how to do an audit for a club. I listened to part of a podcast on dental health. I listened to British mathematician Andrew Mather using the WHO's numbers, show that the rise in cases of the virus was never exponential, even though various sources claimed it was, in order to get the public to accept lockdown.
At 8, I made up practitioner supplements for the week. Then I prepared my magnesium drink. Chris called up a movie on Netflix called Agatha and the Truth of Murder. It was actually pretty good. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to write my blog post. I also read that Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research conducted antimenningitis vaccine experiments on servicemen at Fort Riley between January and June of 1918. These men who were having reactions to the vaccine, were sent to Europe to fight in the war.
* All Saints Lutheran Church in Huntsville Alabama *

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