Saturday, May 16, 2020

Faye's birthday

I got up before 8. After brushing and swishing, I took a shower and then quilted. At 9 we signed into Zoom for a Damour family get-together. Afterward, I went to the garage to sort out empty boxes and paper and bubblewrap. I loaded it in my car, then drove to the Korean clinic. They were packing up and much was gone. She said they had a yard sale yesterday and sold most of their plants and other stuff. They had found a house in western Alabama with a natural spring and decided to retire there. She said the phone and internet at the clinic had been cut off already.
When I got home, I read articles and watched an interview with Dr. Zach Bush. He said the virus is not alive, but brings a cyanide hitchhiker so the symptoms of the virus are cyanotic. Chris asked me to make bread, so I put the ingredients in the breadmaker. I tried to make a donation to Faye's birthday charity, but it didn't go through. Then I made and ate breakfast. I read outside for 45 minutes or so in my bathing suit.
I put on a nice outfit and earrings. I went to church to practice with Jennifer. Then the men showed up and we chatted for a bit, then recorded the service. We did not have a sermon because that is going to be mailed in by a previous intern. Jennifer brought me the remains of a bag of apple chips. I stayed to listen to the discussion of how to have church when we reopen on May 31st. We are not supposed to sing because that spreads the virus. Nor say the Lord's Prayer together, etc. I suppose laughing is right out, as well. And everyone has to wear a mask. Sounds like quaker's meeting to me.
On the way home, I stopped at the post office, but there was no mail. I guess junk mail is on lockdown as well. When I got home, I checked the mail. Chris had roasted a pork heart in bacon fat for me. It was tough like jerky but sooooo good. I also ate a can of soup. I watched an interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits. She answered a lot of questions about what really happened. The details are in her book, Plague of Corruption. I saw an article that said Gates didn't vaccinate his kids. Another article quoted him as saying his kids are fully vaccinated. So who knows? But I think if he develops a vaccine that he wants the whole world to get, he and his family should get the first shots on live TV. And those doses should be chosen at random from the first billion that he produces.
I mowed the lawn until the battery needed charging. I hefted it inside and plugged it in. I put blueberries, chocolate, walnuts and coconut flakes in a bowl and called it dessert. Then I did more quilting, this time in purple. I started another interview, then paused it to watch “About Time” on Netflix. We looked up the lead actress because she looked familiar. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to do the usual pre-bedtime things.
* Blooming blackberries *

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