Friday, May 29, 2020

Kimchi for two

I did not hear my alarm go off, but Michele came back to ask about it. Chris got up and turned all my phone alarms off. When I got up later, I checked my phone and saw he'd done it. I read e-mail for awhile in a chair by the TV, then washed up and got dressed. I read some more, then did some yoga stretches because my back hurt.
I listened to an interview with Charles Kirk. I asked Michele to move my laptop to the kitchen table so I could sit and type on my laptop more comfortably. I finished the video, then made and ate breakfast, plus half a banana, seed crackers, and an orange. I talked to Al who was having his lunch at the time.
I started another newsy video. I took a break to walk up and down Angard for fresh air and sunshine. I resumed watching and learning. When I heard Al was going to Food Lion, I got my shoes and went with him. He put on gloves when he got there. I just tucked my hands into my armpits. We looked for raspberry sorbet, but did not find it. I indicated a dark chocolate bar and Al picked it up for me. We checked out and went to the car. He took off the gloves before opening his car door. We got in and he drove home.
I finished that video and started another one. Mostly viral political stuff. Cecily said I should ask Al to buy me some kimchi at the corner store, So I said I'd go and I picked up my purse. I asked if anyone wanted to walk along, and Michele said she wanted kimchi too but didn't have time. So I walked down there and bought two containers, and walked back. Cecily said they should go in the fridge downstairs, and that she would remember when we packed to leave. Faye called with a question about the laptop I left for her.
Cecily cooked fish and squash for supper and Michele made salad. We ate together and had a nice chat. Then Cecily brought out the cake from yesterday and Michele got the ice cream. I cut the cake and handed out the plates. Cecily put the scoops on. I ate two squares of my dark chocolate bar. Then we cleared the table, put the food away, and loaded the dishwasher.
I finished the video on Garbage Science (refuting the study in the Lancet that said HCQ was dangerous.)
Cecily went to bed. I sat in her chair and talked to Al, Chris and Michele. We traded funny stories as the food channel played. Finally Al went to bed. I sat down to type up my blog and then got ready for bed, leaving Chris and Michele to talk about gaming modules.
* Just a pic I haven't posted yet. *

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