Saturday, May 23, 2020


Since I stayed up so late last night finishing a video, I slept in this morning. So when I got up, time was short. I left out some of the supplement schedule having accepted that things just aren't going to be possible while we are away. I ran around the house packing and reorganizing things. I could not find a copy of my packing list, so I had to print out another one. I kept thinking of things to add to my suitcase based on things I anticipate doing in Virginia. (Sometimes I am not very good at anticipating.) I made and ate breakfast then rinsed the dishes. I threw out the peony and the turmeric chunks. I wrote down supplements that will be in short supply when I get back from Va.
It rained most of the morning, but had stopped when we packed the car. I moved the two large bags of fabric that Kerry dropped off, into the hall. Then we headed out.
We stopped to gas up. Gas was only $1.50. Then we got on the road. We got into a heated discussion, but finally it blew over. Then we started a book on CD. It wasn't as good as some and the story unfolded slowly. But the weather was good, traffic was light, and we made good time. We did not eat on the trip, but did stop once at a rest stop. When we got to Bristol, we checked into the hotel and they upgraded our room to a suite!
We went across the street to a Mexican restaurant. They seated us at a table outdoors. (No one was seated inside). I saw a couple eating in their car after the waiter brought their food. Other people came and got take-out boxes. Chris and I ate at a table, then he had part of his boxed up and we went back to the hotel.
We carried the last of our luggage up to our room. Chris got on his laptop and I got on mine to check e-mail and listen to an interview. I paused it when Chris cued up Legends of Tomorrow. It seemed early but it was because we had changed time zones. So we laid on the bed and watched. It was during the second episode that Chris' alarm went off. He switched over to his game and killed a bunch of somethings. Then we continued the show. When the third episode started, I left the bed and went back to my laptop to watch two videos before bed. I drank a cup of magnesium water. The first video was an interview with a sheriff that sued the gov't over the Brady bill. That man certainly knew the Constitution and Bill of Rights. He said we had a duty to depose those legislators who make laws to take away our rights. He quoted Justice Scalia a lot. Chris went to bed so I pulled my suitcase into the sitting room and brushed my teeth. Then I watched an interview with Brad Yates with tapping. I wrote my blog post while listening. Then it was time for bed, in both time zones.
* It's like a seafood cocktail but I don't remember the name. *

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