Monday, May 25, 2020

Taking care of Dad

The three of us stayed up way too late talking. Finally I went to bed and the party broke up. I laid in bed trying to sleep but the noise in my head was so loud. I put a special cloth over the head of the bed to block the router but I guess it didn't work.
I woke early and tried to go back to sleep. I got up when my alarm went off. I took the first supplement, then brushed and swished. Chris got up and we saved water showering together. Then I got dressed. My back hurt so I did some stretches. Then I looked at e-mail, but then caught sight of the time. I packed up quickly and started taking stuff out to the car. Chris joined in. Cecily reminded me to take the kimchi. Then she saw us off.
It was almost 9 when we left, so we arrived at 9:20. As Chris carried stuff in from the car, I went looking for Dad. He was lying crosswise on his bed, with a shirt on that was improperly buttoned. I tried to start the process of him getting dressed and such, but he kept getting distracted. So I left and started my supplement routine and talked to William. When I went back, he was dressed. We discussed socks, and I found a pair of compression socks. I had to help him get them on. He said Faye wanted him and I to both wear masks. I tried to convince him that he should wait until after breakfast, but he wanted it right away. So I followed him as he rollated into the den. Patrick helped him get his mask on. Then Dad went into the kitchen to do his dentures and asked Patrick to take his mask off. I left them to it and went back to the dining room to finish getting my breakfast ready. When I finished, Dad was standing at the sink eating his breakfast. He asked me for the worst banana, so I gave him the one in my food box. He sat at the table to eat it and I sat on the other end. As he ate, I asked him questions about a house we lived in a long time ago. Some things he remembered, and some he didn't. But he said he enjoyed the trip down memory lane.
He sat in his blue chair and went to sleep. I tried to read e-mail, but Patrick was torn between talking to me and going to get lunch. After he left, I went out back to read from the encyclopedia, but that didn't last long. I walked around the yard, noting all the blackberry bushes. I dug in the dirt with my hands in several places to get soil-based organisms. Then I noticed a van in the driveway. I went inside expecting to see Faye, but she wasn't there so I went out front and checked out the van. It was hers. I went back inside and Chris said she had been in but went out back to find me. So I headed back and she found me. We sat in the living room and talked for awhile. Then we started cleaning out the deep freeze. We were not sure what was worth keeping as we chipped it from the layers of frost. I wrote a list for Chris and Faye moved her van so he could go shopping for supper.
Dad woke up and wanted to go for a walk. So Faye and I both went with him. It took him a few laps around the inside of the house to get started. Then we went outside and down the street. I asked him questions about his childhood. On the way back from the near end of the street, he got tired so I brought out the rollator with the seat and Faye pushed him back to the house. Faye got him seated in the blue chair with his legs up, but then he wanted to use the bathroom. I told Faye I would handle it and she went home. I made sure Dad got to the bathroom, then left to give him privacy. I ate some blueberries that Faye found in the freezer and jotted some notes for my blog then went back to check on him. He was walking out with his rollator. I made sure he was seated and gave him some blueberries. Then he dozed off. So I jotted more notes for my blog. I pulled some tubs of 8 year old CoolWhip from the freezer and threw it out. I also found a friendship cake. We'd already thrown out the starter. I turned off the freezer to let it thaw so I could pull more stuff out.
Chris let me know when he finished making supper, which consisted of hamburgers and small potatoes. I stopped whatever I was doing on my laptop and joined him in the kitchen. Dad was sleeping so soundly that I didn't have the heart to wake him. I filled a plate for myself and ate it while reading articles. Later, when the food was cooling off, I woke Dad for supper. I helped him to the table, which took a long time because he had a spasmimg muscle in his back. So I let him be and he figured it out. He asked for a piece of bread, then finished everything on his plate by the time I came back. He got up and went to the bathroom. I washed all the dishes, especially the really greasy ones which required several washings. There wer food containers from the deep freeze and I emptied them in the garden. Then I checked on Dad. He was in the bedroom wanting to turn in early. I indicated his pajamas, but he seemed confused because there were not three pieces to the set. I pulled out another set and left him to dress himself. After an hour of reading e-mail, I checked and he hadn't moved. Indeed, he seemed to be sleeping while sitting on the end of the bed. I gave up all notions of him doing for himself, and I took his clothes off and put his pajamas on. Getting him into bed straight was another long affair. Finally I had to call Chris to get him parallel to the edge. Then I wished him a good night and made my exit.
I posted to my blog while listening to an audio of a virologist talking about Covid-19. Faye messaged me about tomorrow. Then I got ready for bed.
* now that's freezer burn! *

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