Saturday, May 2, 2020

Seeing Utah

I got up to shut off the 7:30 alarm. I went back to bed but didn't sleep, so I got up to start my day. I asked Chris how to change my laptop password since someone seems to have gotten it and is trying to scam me for money by claiming to have a porno movie of me. Chris showed me how. I had questions about how it could have happened, but he did not want to talk about it. I took a pic of the scam e-mail and sent it to Kurt and Michael. They both responded saying I should not respond. But I had such good responses queued up:
Does your mother know what you're doing?
(A gif of someone laughing uproariously)
You'd make more money from the people who don't want to see the video.
I have a particular set of skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
We could use hacking skills like yours. Get me Bill Gates's password, and we'll talk.

I played several long videos while sewing Glenn's scraps together. I paused to make and eat breakfast, then continued. I didn't not expect it to look good since placement was determined by size, not color or pattern.
William called, wondering if there was a cutting mat at Dad's house. While we were talking, Chris' friend from the base in Utah called. He used his phone to show us around his place there on the base. His wife is a quilter and I saw lots of quilts on their walls. She pointed out all the storage that would be perfect for fabric. He said it is very dry there. Mold wouldn't grow if you tried. They had grass because of a sprinkler system, but nothing beyond the yard. There was a tree or two, but definitely no forests to see or walk in. Nearest town is at least half an hour away. Temp is still falling below freezing at times. Sigh. The man said the dryness makes the cold much more bearable, but I cannot imagine freezing weather in May.

After the tour and our chat, I went out to mow the lawn and soak up some sun. The battery was charged and the whole thing went well. I stopped often to clear the grass from the back and use it to fill in low spots in the yard. Then I washed my hands and went back to sewing. I got most of the pieces together and took a pic.

For supper, I ate a packet of tuna and a can of soup. I went out to get the mail and came back with a DVD from Netflix. My back hurt so I walked around the circle. That did not help as much as I had hoped. I stretched and used the massage ball on my spine. Then I made a salad to use up the rest of the greens. I threw in a few leaves from the hydroponic lettuce.
I watched an episode of The IT Crowd. I paused it when Chris moved to the couch. I made my magnesium drink and then we watched a DVD from Netflix called The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. It wasn't quite what I expected, but that was just the pilot episode. The next one will be more indicative. Chris pulled the sheets from the dryer and we dressed the bed. Then he turned in and I stayed up to blog.
* Scraps were too good for dog beds. *

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