Sunday, May 31, 2020

Getting back to normal

I got up to take the first supplement, then went back to bed to cuddle with Chris. Later we washed up. I listened to an interview with Christine S. She talked about the danger to our bodies of aluminum in our environment, food, vaccines, dental fillings etc. She recommended mineral water with silicon like Figi or Volvic: 1 liter/day. Also cilantro, and ionic foot baths.
The maid knocked on the door and said she needed to clean the room, so I quickly ate breakfast and we packed up and moved our stuff to the car. Because of the pain in my right arm, Chris opened the car door for me whenever I had to enter or exit the car.
We hit the road about 11EST. We listened to a book on CD which had lots of short murder mysteries in it. I took my mid-afternoon supplement two hours later. We made one stop at a rest area. Surprisingly, there were no signs mentioning masks.
When we got back to the Arsenal, I could not find my ID, but I had my driver's license and that was enough (with Chris' card). We unloaded the car in the driveway. I unpacked the food boxes and my suitcase. Chris sent an e-mail to his mom that we arrived safely. I texted thanks to our neighbors for watering the plants. The plants looked really good.
Then we went to Publix for groceries. When we got back, we put those away. I washed all the cans and packets. I got the mail, which included several books, and sesame seeds. Then I went for a walk.
When I got back, Chris said the neighbors brought over a package. It was a large package of cacao nibs. It probably arrived the day we left. I started listening to an interview with virologist Mikovits. At some point, I looked out back and saw that the grass was pretty high, so I paused the video and mowed half of the lawn. I had to move the deck up so the motor wouldn't work too hard. Afterward, I plugged in the battery to recharge.
Chris put colored peppers in the oven with bacon and onions. I had a bite of that. I also ate a can of soup and two eggs. I finished the interview. I read e-mail until Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched two episodes of Legends. Then we put clean sheets on the bed. Chris read and retired. I stayed up to post to my blog and do some stretches.
* This is a little pond in front of the hotel. I think it was supposed to have a fountain so the algae wouldn't grow. *

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