Friday, May 1, 2020

Sewing something other than a mask

I got up around 8. I brushed and swished. I listened to episode 9 of the vaccine summit: there were recordings of ACIP conferences where the doctors said we needed more robust safety studies, then voted to add another vaccine to the schedule. One doctor asked if the childhood vaccines had ever been tested together the way they are given, and was told there was no data, but the general policy was to give each injection in a different limb. Footage from the Italy outbreak was shown later for NY as if it had just been shot in the US. News broadcast about shortage of ventilators showed a doctor putting one on a patient, but the patient turned out to be a mannequin. Is mainstream media being given a script to make things seem worse than they are? One of the new corona vaccines is grown in aborted fetal cells.

Another video I watched or listened to suggested nebulizing 3% hydrogen peroxide to stop any virus. He suggested all health care workers do it whether they have symptoms or not. Yet a third video brought me this idea: When you stop getting sunlight (in the evening), stop eating and you won't gain weight.

Chris went to get his security background check. He asked me if I had anything I wanted to tell him first. I said no, I hid my tracks well. After he left, I made and ate breakfast. He was back before I put on my bathing suit and sat in the backyard for some sun and reading.
I finished 4 masks, of the fabric that the chiropractor's assistant requested. Chris went to take a drug test. I called the office to deliver the masks, but they were closed. I spread out the scraps a lady had given me for dog bed scraps. They were much too nice for that. I pulled out her incorrect blocks and re-sewed them. Apparently she was working on pieced circles.

I went outside to mow the backyard instead of going for a walk. But the battery was run down because I had forgotten to remove the key. I plugged in the battery to recharge. I made egg salad with the bacon fat mayonnaise. I also ate a handful of nuts, and a square of chocolate. Then I went for a walk around the circle. When I got back, I made salad using most of the leftover greens. I ate it in front of my laptop, watching another video.

When Chris was ready, I paused the video and dissolved a tbl of magnesium in water to sip while we watched Inspector Lynley. Then Chris went to bed. I stayed up to refill some pill containers and make more green mix. I swished with salt water because the jaw under my recently-capped molars was sore. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

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