Saturday, May 9, 2020

Recording the service

I woke up in the middle of the night, wired, and I didn't know why. I had a hard time going back to sleep. I got up at 8 to use the bathroom and turned on the router, thinking Chris was right behind me, but he went back to bed. So I laid down again and we didn't get up until after 8:30.
I started the supplement regimen, with extra magnesium. The wifi around here has doubled and I don't know if we are getting signals from further away, or if people nearby have more than one signal. Magnesium is supposed to help with that. I wrote my blog post for yesterday and uploaded it. I read an article about homeless people: many shelters are closing, soup kitchens run out of food, nobody in the streets to panhandle from. And their opportunity for sanitation is growing worse.
I sat in the sun outside and read for awhile. It was not as warm as it looked. I made and ate breakfast. I sanitized six masks and out them in a bag.
Jennifer sent me a message saying she was going to arrive 30 minutes early to practice. So I washed up, and dressed up in a dark blue outfit. I drove to church. She was there with her daughter. We practiced the music together and then with the pianist when she arrived. I gave the pianist 6 masks and she put money in my purse. At 3, some men came in to videotape the service in parts. The sermon will be e-mailed in from a former intern. We ladies sang and Charlie did the readings and the prayer. Lars talked about having live church services again in June. Afterward, I put a check in the safe. I put some of my extra masks in the box outside.
I went home, intending to stop at the gas station, but I forgot. Chris was not home. I called Dad, and when he didn't answer, I called Faye. She said to call back in 10 minutes. I puttered around a bit and Chris came back. I called Faye and we had a nice chat. Then I went for a walk, but got chilly so I cut it short.
I stood in the sunshine at the back door. Chris roasted brussel sprouts in the oven. I made egg salad and a vegetable salad. I ate those while reading e-mail and listening to something.
I dissolved a tbl of magnesium in a cup of water, and made another cup with vitamin C. We sat on the couch to watch Inspector Lynley help solve a case and then get cleared of the charges against him. Chris had washed the sheets, so we dressed the bed. He retired and I stayed up to blog.
* This is one of the masks I put in the bin at church. *

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