Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Too much information

I put my laptop to sleep last night but it came back on, so I turned it off before going to bed. In the morning, after getting the coffee started and putting fabric in the washer, I sat down at my laptop and saw that it was only sleeping. I didn't think it could be reactivated remotely when it was turned off.

I put some clothes and the fabric Cherry gave me, in the washing machine. I watered the plants while swishing the second time. I did my exercises and drybrushing. I moved the fabric to the dryer, and turned on the wifi. I made coffee. Although I did tap, I did not meditate because I was trying to catch up on all the interviews I wanted to listen to.
Afterward, I started cleaning, and vacuuming. I took a shower, and got dressed. I turned on a box fan to dry out the bathroom. I washed dishes and the kitchen counter tops. I ran the breadmaker for Chris, who left the sugar where I could reach it. I ironed the fabric while continuing to listen to interviews from the various summits.
I wanted to read outside in the sun, but it was a little too cool and windy. So I sat just inside the open door and read my book. Then I got hungry and made breakfast.

I texted with Stacey. Chris called me to get numbers from his passport. He said he'd be late, so I went to post office and picked up a package. There was no junk mail. When I got back, I nailed boards along the bottom of the fence and fixed an upside-down board. It was harder than it sounds because the nails kept bending when I hit them.

I listened to more interviews and wrote notes about SIBO on a piece of paper. I haven't try a nasal rinse, which came recommended. I cut out male mask pieces and started sewing. I paused to make supper. As I ate, I listened to an interview about retroviruses. In animal tissues that vaccines are grown on, sometimes they survive in the vaccine. They can open the host genetic code and get in. Because the genetic code is opened, other animal DNA can get in as well, and this has not been studied to see how big a problem it might be.

I paused the interview and we watched Inspector Lynley solve another case. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to answer all the e-mails Kurt sent me, and to blog.
* I didn't take any pics today so here is one of a sweet potato trying to root. *