Sunday, July 19, 2020

Calling the family

I got up at 7:30 to shut off the alarm. I started reading e-mail and one had an offer to buy a bottle of olive oil for $1 to entice me to join an olive oil club. I looked up how to find real olive oils. I changed windows and watched the Huntsville church service. It was nice to see my church family again, even if remotely.
I called Dad, knowing it was two hours later where he was. We had a nice chat. After I hung up, I called Faye but she didn't answer, so I made and ate breakfast. Then Faye called me back. We had a nice chat, too. After her, I called William. While we were talking, I laid out in sun and got 10 minutes on both sides. When I hung up with William, I called Kurt.
I tried to identify olive oils in a pic I took at Lucky's, but the detail was not good enough to make them out. I read an article that said to buy olive oil from single family farms in California. I looked up some recommended oils, but could not find where they were sold and did not want to order glass bottles online. I looked up the local Walmart. Chris refused to go and I ended up not going myself.
For supper I made egg salad and a leaf salad. I listened to Dr. Zach Bush talk about how we would not be alive if not for viruses. Afterward Chris and I went for a walk. I stopped along the way to check out stones that might be geodes, but he said they were too small. When we got back, I tried to draw our furniture on a paper diagram of the house. That made me aware of several things I did not pick up on earlier: the master bathroom is on a corner of the house, so it will be cold in the winter. The master bedroom wall is shared by the den and will probably be where the wi-fi hookup is. I don't want to be sleeping next to that. There is a den and a living room, but we only have enough furniture for one of those rooms. Chris helped me determine the cardinal directions so I could plan for the sun shining through the windows. I don't want glare on the TV screen when we are watching in the evening. Also, I hunted down a measuring tape. It's only 5 feet long, but it might help me measure rooms tomorrow.
We watched two episodes of Legends. While watching, I chewed on a flossing stick to keep my root canaled tooth from impacting the tooth below it. When those teeth hit, it's like two marbles coming together. Could it be a galvanic shock from dissimilar metals in my mouth? After the second episode, I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.
* These are the oils available. Can you identify them? *

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