Saturday, July 18, 2020

Choosing a dentist to finish the job

I had a hard time falling asleep because my face was sore. But at some point it happened, and I woke up this morning a little later than usual. I still tried to go back to sleep, but called that quits about just before 8. I was pleased to see that my face was back to normal. I started taking supplements and swishing. I packaged a sample for mailing to the lab. I looked at dental sites and their facebook pages, trying to come to a decision. I worked my way up to breakfast, then continued to research. All of the dental offices had FB pages, and some of them had pics of staff with boxes of doughnuts, or cookies, or a cake, etc. Hmmm.
Finally I called one and the best they could do was an appointment in the second week of August. I wanted to go to the post office and GNC and maybe a drug store, but I couldn't quite work up the gumption to do it. Chris agreed to go if I only went to the post office, so that is what we did. Although it was on Main Street, it was on the left and I had to go to the next light and make a U-turn. There were a few parallel parking spaces out front, so I pulled into one, and Chris took the package into the building. When he came back, I drove us straight back to the temp quarters.
I put on a tank top and laid outside where it was very windy. I thought about it being perfect for kites, what with the wind and open spaces. The Housing people yesterday had mentioned that the kids on post might like to do something like that. I liked to make kites, but mine are sewn, so probably not the best for kids to make.
The router connection was down or really slow so I played Solitaire until it came back up. I rinsed cans and packages that we'd bought at the store yesterday or the day before. I read some of the documents that Housing gave us. I was surprised how many were about animal and insect bites. I checked a few more e-mails, then made egg salad for supper, followed by a leafy green salad. There was no salad spinner or colander, so I drained the leaves in the metal coffee filter, and spun them dry by spinning myself around. It worked ok. I added olives and basil and turmeric. I ate it at my laptop.
I finished watching the interview with Mr. Praeger and looked at his website PraegerU. I went for a half hour walk, heading north and coming back. I wondered why there were still cars around the buildings at 7 pm on a Friday.
When I got back, I listened to a Ben Greenfield podcast on anti-aging. He mentioned melatonin and said there was no toxic limit, but that it doesn't survive gastric juices well. So I put coconut oil on the inside of my arm and opened a melatonin capsule and rubbed it in. It was kind of like sand paper. I took some magnesium and we watched two episodes of Legends. I noticed my left nostril was bleeding and I wondered if it had anything to do with the root canal. I squired some Xlear up each nostril, waited, and put ozone cream up just the left one. I brushed and then also used the cream on my gum where the root canal was. I sat down to write my blog post, and pray for sleep.
* It's a pretty pic, but it does not do the mountain justice *

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