Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A modified meditation morning

I got to bed late. Chris' alarm went off at 6 and he got up. I stayed in bed until 7, took the first supplement and went back to bed. At 7:30 I decided to have as much of my usual coffee morning as possible. I played meditation music on my laptop, but Chris' phone calls were louder. I did exercises and tapping. I cleaned a little in the kitchen afterward, but since we just got here Monday, nothing else needed cleaning. I took a shower and got dressed. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail, and posted on Facebook. I laid out in the sun at solar noon to boost my vitamin D.
I looked at maps of Tooele, trying to get up the courage to drive into town. I looked up 'organic food in Tooele', but all the search results were in Salt Lake City. Sigh. I responded to messages on Facebook until Chris was finished with work. Then we went into Tooele. I drove us to Macey's, which is a grocery store with more options than Luckey's, and I found organic coconut milk and lots of other things. We went up and down most of the aisles looking at the selections. The only thing we did not find was hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol. They were out.
When we got home, we unloaded the groceries and put some in the fridge. I noticed a message from Patrick so I called him back. Chris and I each made our own supper. I listened to more of the church service from Sunday, getting through the sermon to the next hymn. Then we went for a walk. When we got back, we watched two episodes of Legends. One was a cross-over and was very confusing to me.
I sat down to write my blog and then remembered that I was supposed to fill out patient forms online for the procedure tomorrow. I filled some of it out, then went back to writing my blog because we have to get up early.
* A shot of products in Macey's *

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