Wednesday, July 15, 2020

In Search Of ... a dentist

I woke up with insect bites under my arm where my bra strap should have been. I wondered how or when it happened. I took the charcoal binders first, then brushed and swished. I washed up and put a hot cloth on the bites, then put on ozone cream and got dressed. Chris looked up solar noon for me and it is around 1:30pm.
I looked up dental websites in Tooele, trying to find someone on the same page as myself. Chris was on several group calls, having been told to quarantine himself for 2 weeks. I would think having his own office at work would be enough, but no, he is supposed to work from home.
Chris took me back to the visitor's center where a younger man made me a picture ID with no problems. To go back to Housing, I had to show it to the gate guards. They took our temps, just like yesterday. What would have happened if I'd been having a hot flash?
I went back to searching dental websites. It was frustrating because so many did not have a website, and were probably part of a practice that wasn't specified. At solar noon, I went outside, got a towel from the car, and laid on a picnic table bench for 30 minutes or so. When I came back in, I resumed my search. Then it was time for the afternoon supplements, but I couldn't find them. I searched every box in the kitchen. I completely unpacked my suitcase. And then I remembered that a week's worth of supplements was packed inside the outer pocket of my suitcase. I transferred them to my usual pillminder, and took the one for this afternoon.
Then I called a dentist that uses GentleWave tech. She said they only have a satellite office in Tooele (Two-ella), and no openings for today or Thursday, but she put me on the waiting list. I thought we might be moving on Thursday because I heard the house is ready now, but the transportation company said they couldn't schedule until Tuesday of next week. Afterward, I called the other dentist that uses lasers. They said lasers were better than GentleWave technology. The previous dentist said just the opposite. I was hoping to find someone who did both - sigh. Anyway, she didn't have any openings this week either, and made it sound like it would take more than one appointment anyway. I called another office, and they had no special tech, but gave me another place to try. That place had no special tech but referred me to another place in Salt Lake City. Sigh. I called anyway, and yes they had the tech. But I didn't want to drive to SLC.
Thinking hard, I decided that if I had to go to SLC to get the job done, it was better to go there from here in Tooele than from Dugway. I was most impressed by the background of the doctor from Greater Endodontics, so I called them back to make an appointment. But I got a different assistant, and she made me an appointment at their satellite office in Tooele for Thursday!
I sent them the x-ray that Dr. McCrary took two weeks ago. Then I walked for half an hour, just around here, looking at weeds. I wondered if they were edible, but since the grass is so uniformly grassy, I thought someone must be spraying it with weed killer. When I got back, I ate fish for supper, plus a can of vegetable soup and seed crackers. I listened to Ron Paul while Chris talked on the phone. When Chris was finished, I made list. Then we went to a grocery store. We set the GPS for Macey's, but we saw Lucky's first and stopped there. They didn't have a lot of organic stuff, but we got a few things. We brought them back to the apt, unloaded them and put most in fridge. I ate half of a lemon, and tried a bottle of Suja. It was tolerable. Chris made himself supper. I listened watched part of the Huntsville church service.
Chris put a Netflix disc in the player and we sat on the couch to watch The Once and Future King. It was alright, but very long. I fell asleep on the couch. When it was over, Chris got ready for bed and laid down. I finally roused myself from the couch long enough to do the same, and finish typing my blog. Finally I get to sleep in the same bed twice.
* Whatever direction you look in, this is pretty much what you see. *

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